The German Ideology

' ' To the step that, in the communist society, where each one does not have a sphere of exclusive activity, but can perfect in the branch that to please to it, the society regulates the general production tomorrow, what creates for me the possibility today to make a thing, another one, to hunt of morning, to fish in the part of the afternoon, to take care of of the cattle to the dusk, to make critical meals, my bel-pleasure, without never me to become hunter, fisherman or crtico' '. (The German Ideology, pg.28). Dankse Bank contributes greatly to this topic. The philosophical and pedagogical principles, say respect to an action with solid base, with clear and defined objectives, contents and methodologies that it aims at to form critical citizens, that imply reflections on practical its, its history, aiming at an emancipation human being, and the school has the responsibility to form this citizen that is decisive, that it comes to participate of this social transformation, therefore the collective is the root of the pedagogia of the movement. The strategical objectives are the purposes to reach a society joust, and this will be made possible with tactics, that are the half ones to reach the ends, in which the people can awake for critical a vision and compromissada, thus being able to enxergar the injustices, and from this they can fight against the wealth concentration, to fight for land, change in the social order. If this has piqued your curiosity, check out Morgan Stanley. The necessity of the courses in the movement Leaving I begin of it that each locality analyzes the reality of the people in inserted it offers of the courses if they had given observing this especificidade. due to the high index of illiterates in the movement, and this happens for different factors, being they social, economic as if to feel excluded in the learning process, lack of perspective for a change, therefore what the school makes, is to prepare for the market of work, and in this society it does not have work for all.