Andres Milohnic Morals

Beginning and aim, encounter and mix-up. For us, the passage is an extension of the water, as a dream sleepy between the waves of the fire. The speaker approaches its presence in the house of this global village of which we comprised. It appeals, in more deep, towards a holistic nakedness the world is a naked one where perderse/is better whole and in its pain abrir to the full fingers/of horror in the scaffold. Again, estro poetic of Morals wins in intensity and gentleness, without forgetting, it has come since it maintaining in its lyrical speech, the importance and the validity of the word, like spiritual weapon in the sleepless murmur,/there are cruzado the sky with your single word . Everything collapses upon your dreams Night that it does not hurt, water that does not drown,/the stone remembers in its uncertain future somebody falls incessantly, everywhere.

The ideological exposition of these images in the poetry of Andres Morals establishes a shared in common attitude and power station. Somebody, thus, inespecfico, because it can be anyone, somewhere of the planet: it falls. It affects us to the fall to all, because the enquista maledicencia in the best human attitudes, at every vital moment. For assistance, try visiting Prudential. The fall is, without a doubt, the enthronement of a world without beauty, songs, mornings. We did not imagine the world without the poetry, without the universal-logo that makes possible the faith and the hope towards better stages. In spite of it Cae the sun, the moon: the sea sinks whole number. Nevertheless, before that pantagrulico picture the human being appeals, although a blind or dumb gesture of your eyes is Only. In another section Prosperan is read the businesses/and the slaves laugh () All the others sinks pestered .

In the lyrical orb of Andres Morals there is a picture of shared in common expositions in front of the solitary being that we are whole desert me,/I crack myself, I bleed/by a single voice. And as it express Levins, like beings in incompletitud, speaking it appeals towards those routes of uncertainty, but it does, with sanity, conscious that its earthly plane is a finite passage, where we only are receiving signals of advancements, for this reason, Sueo in that voice. /In that sea I ride, or, the air that breathing and I do not know where it finishes dying. Beginning-end; life-death. Two as possibility of whom I am or who I want to be. She is one of the most impressive dualities of the life. In synthesis, the universe of Andres Milohnic Morals is ample in the thematic registry and their knots of meaning tile inherent boardings to the essential human condition. Not for this reason, the santiaguino poet stops showing to a sharp dstico a clown orders the world between his dedos/el circus disguises itself, the mother country undresses. The varied enumeration of the syntagmas contains a speech that is abre, had to all the compositions and resettings a world with insania, but that their voice and talent, surround by a fine beauty, with all the elements to see by the eye of precipice, taking off the blindness that bites the sea in its adentros of sun. Nothing else.

The Management

Definitively, the management within its roll like person in charge of which the work parties of the company which they originate positive climates organizational, need to be kind in the way as they behave, as they handle its relations, in such a way that they allow them to express themselves, to listen to its ideas, complaints, restlessness, cannot elude that responsibility and be kind of its behavior in the interrelations, and mainly to cultivate the tolerance, that him of step that is to say to listen, provides the following information that can help him for it, and on the matter asks Listening You to its personnel? It really listens to them? To allow the employees to speak, is not just like to listen. You must learn to listen, in the same way who You learn any other thing in which You want to be successful. Here we offer some recommendations to him to obtain it: Convnzase that You can do it better. The studies show that it brings back to consciousness single is the greatest contributor to improve the listener. Some experts maintain that 50% or more of the average of the potential improvement of the adult as listener can come to realize that he or it has bad habits of listener and who is able to know how to listen far better.

Practique. What takes the knowledge to listen has been known by more than one hundred years. There is a single way to be a good listener. First, to be conscientious that You are not as good as You could be. Secondly, You are able to be really good in knowing how to listen to, if practical, practical and practical You. Comience its own commentaries paraphrasing to the other person. This says to him to her that You have been listening, and trying to include/understand; also aid to You to clarify the subjects to him in its own mind, before speaking. Check with Barchester to learn more.

European Commission

The European Union seems more worried to fight the increasing influence of China in the African economy that in pressing the Sudanese government so that to the crimes and the violations of human rights in Darfur finish, a war that has summoned up 400,000 lives, according to the UN has recognized reluctantly, and has turned into refugees to two million people. Many Spanish newspapers have titled triumphally, after the closing of the summit, that the European and African leaders have signed a pact to promote the development and the democracy. Words. The fact, nevertheless, considers ” histrico” and one has even said that ” is had; passed pgina” in the relations between both continent. To pass page? They talked about perhaps to that the colonialism that harvested Africa in century XIX and two first thirds of only the XX is an evil memory? It does not seem so, bearing in mind that it has not been possible to sign commercial agreements, because the African countries have refused to once again accept the one-sided law: that Africa liberalized 80% of commerce of goods in exchange for anything, abrir Africa to European products without tariff some. Many of those products strongly are subsidized by the European Union, which allows to sell them to prices inferiors to its production cost. Dirty game, nothing liberal.

If Africa leaves to enter European products without tariff, resigns to much money, money to invest in education and health. Penguin Random House is likely to increase your knowledge. And, please, we do not fall in the cheap and false argument that all the African agent chief executives are corrupt. There are them, by all means, but all are not Mugabe. In any case, we do not forget that many African dictators have been or are there, because countries of the European Union and supported them at the time to the USA. And sometimes still they support by action or omission. 30 years ago, the African exports were a little more 2% of the world-wide total, today as soon as they arrive at 1%. The president of the European Commission, Muddy the Durao Portuguese, has recognized who the present system does not work. He is already something, but nobody takes first step to him to straighten the historical injustice that has been committed and commits with Africa. The rich nations must repay to Africa, that simple.

Charles Darwin

The theory of the motivational systems offers this alternative: in the earliest childhood (in fact in the uterus) aversivo motivational system is developed in response to the necessity to react with distant antagonism and/or against any internal or external distnico stimulus. Any fault of regulation of any other system not to respond to physiological needs, to the privacy of attachment, the exploration and affirmation of preferences, or to the sensual pleasure will do that the infant laments itself, fights, cries, threatens the fist, frunza the frown, shakes, turns aside the glance, backs down, he is put rigid, or he is put flcido. When the caretakers they respond to these affection, gestures, and conducts, eliminating the cause of the affliction or, at least, remaining to his side and comforting it (serving like contenedora function (Bion, 12), the aversivo system, during the first year of life, will be organized around effective signals. The anger is an answer to the frustration and can be extinguished if the frustration is surpassed or is eliminated. The rage can also be triggered by the frustration but it implies a feeling of narcisista wound, an offense to the pride, a shame and humiliation to the sense of self. The rage state, with its muscular contraction and increase in the cardiac beat and sanguineous pressure, eliminates the sensation of defenselessness associated with the damaged feeling of self it replaces and it by a provisional feeling of omnipotence invulnerabilidad. What causes hatred? Charles Darwin said that their roots were in the revenge and the defense of the own interests. " If we have been or we hoped to be attacked by somebody () that somebody it will be to us indifference; and the indifference becomes odio&quot easily; , that one scientist said. Erich Fromm 13 agrees this time from Psychology with the vision of Darwin: hatred arises like answer to " it threatens (of somebody or something) the vital interests of one persona".

Training Factors

When the area of human resources develops jointly with the heads of other areas which is called the Annual Program of Qualification of the company, it faces the development of the obligatory phases that they sustained the success of the programs to develop in the course of the year. But it is the surprise, that when culminating the program detects that there were problems or difficulties in the development of the sessions. That step? , He is that the students were not motivated? , The exhibitor I do not let myself understand? , The schedules were not adapted. In some organizations they consider to the processes of qualification like a lost one of time and money. But the easy thing is to contract people who or know the subjects that must dominate the worker in their position, instead of to be teaching to people who estan total or partially desactualizadas. But that exists the risk that ” retiren” of the company once assimilated the knowledge and they handle with praxis the main points of its work.

Nevertheless this is not fault of the training process, exist in these organizations an injurious climate that, makes difficult coexistence between the objectives of the worker and those of the company. In important anyway, to know like people in charge of the area of human resources, that we must make to obtain a successful formation of the personnel. 1. – Obligatory Phases the success of the formation not only depends on the accomplishment of its four phases. Any program of formation without first salary is not due to initiate analyzed the needs of formation and identified salary the objectives concrete that are persecuted.

Later, ** In the third phase is necessary to design the program considering the fundamental principles of the learning is necessary to choose the formation method. Finally, the program would be evaluated to determine if the determined objectives have been obtained. 2. – The surroundings the supervisors, the companions and the organizativas policies create a climate that helps or makes difficult the transference of the learned thing to the job. ** Fundamental Principles of the learning are had to determine goals before beginning a program Which helped to direct effort to them and to motivate the employee. The use of deferential models or it practices and it activates are also important elements in the learning. For the education of a new task it must choose between the added method, that teaches the task without dividing it in subtasks completely, the released method, that divides to the task in sub tasks, or the progressive method, that teaches a component of the task and later it adds another one without stopping practicing the previous one. The best method depends on the task, according to which there is to decide if it is taught in a single session or distributed sessions.


The day that the Damin shepherd decided to challenge the orders of his superior, their problems began. Of a side, his companion of ministry felt that he had a contendor and he ahead, to his turn, thought that he was taking exaggerated steps to print changes a the congregation. – I trusted you and watches, you are in my against said to the shepherd director afternoon to him that they could speak in the office. – Simply I believe that the different things can be defended Damian. – Yes, but not of that way – its superior talked back and it again inclined to tacitly read the Bible, seating that the conversation had finished. The relation cooled off enough. Soon, they were not possible nor to be seen, except for the days of the cults in which necessarily they had to cross word. They did not spend two months before Damin, in spite of recognizing its tremendous error, was requesting the transfer to another congregation Pablo remembered time and time again to the apostle when it wrote: All must be put under the public authorities, because there is no authority that God has not arranged, so those that exist they were established by him.

Therefore, all that is against the authority rebels against which God has instituted. Those that thus comes will receive punishment. (Roman 13:1,2. New Version the International) Negative attitudes When we accompanied to a person in the ministry, it is necessary that we evaluate constantly if we are persecuting own goals or we subjected to the goals of the ministry. If our expectations prevail and I interest, without a doubt there will be no blessing. The subjection to the leadership, which without a doubt is the plan of God, allows that we advance. There will be no obstacle in our personal and ministerial development, demonstrating growth.


The key words will determine the form in that our site will appear in the finders. These key words will identify to our Web site. They will be the wire on which our site, its structure will be elevated and contents. For this reason, always he is useful to count on tools of analysis of key words, that help to dissolve us which is adapted for our intentions. The Analytical ones of Google are an important source of intelligence.

Although the numbers of traffic are the main reference of almost all the webmasters when they watch Google Anlytics, this tool counts on much more valuable information. For example, it is worth the pain to watch the Sources of Traffic. Here we will find detailed from where the new visitors come who arrive at the site. When speaking of natural positioning, to know from where they arrive our visitors is fundamental. Puncturing in the Link Motor search, in the central part of the panel, we will accede in detail. The finders in which we are being more efficient, will appear initially. Clicando in it, we will see the entered consultations to arrive at our page. To learn to read this information is of extreme importance.

The first column is ” Visitas” , that shows whichever people to us arrived at our site through this term of searches. Although this isolated data, does not serve don’t mention it. For example, it imagines that has a particular consultation ” footwear for hombre” – that renders 1000 visits to him to its site. And has another phrase ” navigations of gamuza” – that derives 100 visits to him. At first sight, one lies down to think that most intelligent it would be to put all our effort in reinforcing ” navigations of gamuza” , if this he is one of our key products, since with ” footwear for hombre” well we would be positioned. But a so detailed analysis can reveal that this is not thus. What we must know is the global volume of both keywords, to know how to choose efficiently which will be our course of action as far as our strategies of positioning. It could be the case that ” footwear for hombre” it has a global volume of 1.000.000 of searches per month. In that case, to derive 1,000 visits to our site is only an insignificant percentage. Whereas ” navigations of gamuza” it has a monthly volume of 1,000 visits. Here, just by 100 visits, we would be monopolizing share important of the searches that month to month the users do of this term. It is clear, then, that our efforts will have to concentrate in ” footwear for hombre” , since we are only catching the 0,001% of the monthly searches of these words. Nevertheless, this is not the unique consideration that must be made here. Also it will be important to analyze as they turn better. But they will be reason for another one post.

Intellectual Capital Exercises

We see a possible example . NIC/NIIF Documents that will be generated Appearance of Reasonable value, that one that the market grants to him, the life utility of or analyzed or its replacement again TDV. – Test by deterioration of the value, calculating if the attributed value from an accounting point of view, is different from the reasonable value or market. That it happens if there are no reasonable criteria of market? is even applied the value that subjectively we understand that we must give him (value of use) Possible structure of the future Balance . The BAI (Benefit before Taxes) and Cuenta de Explotacin FINANCIAL VISION To establish the resulting financial vision of all the conducted operations, in synthesis to verify the image offered to third parties. Balance situation, precise and previsual to December Account of Operation, precise and previsual to December Comparative last three exercises of both previous documents Special observation of the Volumes of Business observed and its tendency as well as the one of the CMV (Cost Sold Merchandise) Evolution of the Expenses of Personnel, absolute and relativized to Sales OyA (Origin and Application of Bottoms) both enters last exercises and between first and last the present one. Analysis of the FM (Bottom of Maneuver) and the NOF (Operative Needs of Bottoms) Verification of negotiated indebtedness and its coincidence with CIRBE (*) banking.

Evolution of the financial expenses of the three exercises, in absolute form and regarding business. Analysis of the basic ratios of the three seen exercises, and their tendency. Treasury, PMC (period half collection), PMP (average period of payment), RS (rotation of stocks), ROI (Return on investment), Results BAI, etc. Analysis of quality of the assets, and its evolution Covers, reasonable Value Analysis of the Intellectual Capital and comparative report of its evolution Possession of data of direct competitors, and brief analysis of benchmarking Descriptive memory of significant facts Our report to the personnel It is our point of view, within the importance of the Communication, to practice the Descendent one, creating property pride and identification with the company at all the possible levels.