Rules Advanced for a proper brushing a good tooth brushing is necessary for a proper oral health although able to carry it out is not easy. To assist in this process I propose that the following points are followed: 1st look for a manual toothbrush that is soft, separate plumes, with the tips of the strands or rounded bristles (Vitis Perio type) and renuevelo every month. 2Nd put a little toothpaste with fluoride of amines (as Elmex toothpaste toothpaste ) in general, except that your dentist in Madrid recommending any specific for you 3rd. apply the brush with the edge of the bristles facing Groove where just the gum and the teeth begin. 4Th push, with a circular or vibratory motion, enough so that they penetrate between teeth bristles and you can feel its end with the language at points where you know that there are openings (there are areas where are so closed that it is impossible, but the pressure should be similar) 5th when get this penetration, proceeds a sweeping motion away from the gums (down (in maxillary arch and upwards in the mandible) to remove plaque and food debris.
6 Th steps 3, 4 and 5 must be ordered, from left to right, tooth by tooth, without forgetting anyone, in both maxilla and mandible and exactly the same on the inside by the gumline of the palate and the gum line of the mandible in contact with the tongue. 7 There are special points to be taken into account: to) the back part of the last wheel up and down left and right. (Occasionally up is better keeping your mouth closed). (B) the posterior region of the lower (in contact with the tongue) incisors, which must seek special attention because they are frequently inaccessible to the brush in a horizontal position and needs to be then placed the brush vertically and carrying out the pressure and movements previously described in paragraphs 3, 4 and 5 using in previous sense.