Psychology Attendance

It is observed that the clinic-schools in a generalized manner come extending its area of attendance, offering atendimentos psychological pupils, employees and all the community in general. These atendimentos can be in psicodiagnstico, professional orientation, psicomotricidade, in different theoretical areas and boarding. (ROMAN; CAPTAIN, 2003). One perceives, thus, that the clinic-school offers diversified attendance to the people who search its services. On the other hand, these users bring for the context of the clinic-school problems also varied, what he demands of the trainees of psychology and the professors supervisors a differentiated attention to give account of the presented psicossociais demands. With this, the clinic-schools are configured as a privileged space for integrating the education and the rendering of services, thus promoting a joint between practical theory and, with sights to the qualification of the pupil-trainee. essful. The pupil is benefited because he has the chance to serve as apprentice in the diverse modalities of attendance, being able to apply in concrete situations, its acquired theoretical knowledge in the graduation.

In 1970 middle, was servant, in Brazil, the service of psychological planto. Idealized for the Teacher Rachel Lea Rosemberg, of the Institute of Psychology of USP (IP/USP), this service was inspired in the experiences of ' ' Walk-in clinics' ' , of the United States, which acted as local of immediate attendance for people who if found in suffering state. (ROSENTHAL, 1999). As part of the movement of magnifying of its services, the clinic-school adhered to the psychological planto and has disponibilizado this service to its users. This attendance is recognized legally for the Federal Advice of Psychology and understands a differentiated boarding of the traditional models in psycotherapy, for being an attendance focado in the emergencies and psychic urgencies of the individual.

(FREIRE, 2004). In accordance with Vieira (2009), in the psychological planto is offered to attendance individual briefing and. With this type of attendance, it is looked, in an only one or few sessions, to assist the individual to find solutions for its moments of discomfort and suffering.