Full color printing on plastic bags, you see, this is limitless possibilities in layout, opportunities for design. And it does not matter what materials will be used for color printing. For each of the goals of your particular type of use plastic bag. Soft glossy plastic bag pressure is often used at trade shows, packaging promotional material. Plastic bag medium pressure – to the touch and rustling reminiscent thin plastic – more durable, can withstand weight up to 15 kg, is more often used for heavy goods.
Well, of course, a well-known package "Mike", thanks to special design and durability of materials capable of withstanding the weight of 25 kg, can be found in any supermarket. Manufacture of paper bags is more traditional. This type of package is often considered more durable. It as a supplement to the constant use of purse girl. In terms of value – it is more expensive type of package, without a twinge of conscience can call it VIP-Service. In the manufacture of paper bags often use additional decoration: UV lacquer finish, foil stamping, embossing.
The basis package often take expensive grades of paper – this is more than justified to maintain the company's image. Often, these packages are used for packaging of expensive gifts to their customers. More traditional is laminated paper bag. High quality offset printing on coated paper will provide the best color, laminated cover and protect the package from external influences and increase the capacity of the package. After setting purposes of advertising package, developed his concept of advertising, you need to find a company where you correctly implement your idea into a final product. From the quality of advertising package, much depends. For example, in manufacturing plastic bags often used recycled materials. This positive effect on the cost of the package, but the capacity of such a package is low. For example, in one very well-known supermarket chains recently, instead of one package used two, because a package of nearly torn "on the spot", and the paint remains on the hands and clothing. When expensive food turned out on the floor, and clothing, in principle, impossible to wash off the paint – not buyer think about the provider of advertising packages, and will remember that it is the worst case going to the supermarket, where we have arranged so that the poor are always stored in association with the brand. So, before you order your desired ad package, you need to see samples of products, and remember that a quality product can not be cheap.