Physical Activities

‘ ‘ foot diabtico’ ‘ it is a resultant syndrome of related sistmicos factors to diabetes, such as: angiopatia, diabetic neuropatia and infection. This syndrome it is characterized for injuries that include since subclnicas ischemic alterations, until necrosis to tissular gradual, frequently associated to the infection, being able to evolve for amputation (ABBOTT 2007). Objective: To tell the lived deeply experience as learning of the sixth semester of the graduation in nursing in the accomplishment of an educative action. Methodology: The educative action was developed in health of the family in the UBS of the situated CDHU/Palanque in the region east of the city of So Paulo with men and carrying women of diabetes mellitus invited by the communitarian agents of health to participate of an educative workshop for quarrel of the subject ‘ ‘ to live healthful and the cares with the feet for prevention of agravos’ ‘. We opt to the accomplishment of an educative workshop, that in accordance with Chiesa and Verssimo (2001) is a strategy used with the emancipatria and critical purpose that it searchs to rescue the espontaneidade and to promote the participation and group interaction. The educative action if gave by means of some stages: ) the accomplishment of a dynamics of presentation and integration with the objective to bring the affective aspects of the experience of the participants; b) one second dynamics with sights to rescue the feelings of the participants in relation to its history of life and experience with the illness ‘ ‘ diabetes mellitus’ ‘ ; c) a boarding with dialogued exposition using audiovisuais resources and with exchange of knowledge; d) accomplishment of hidratao and massage of the feet and cut of nails (with the participation of an invited podloga) providing auto-esteem and personal valuation; e) educative pamphlet distribution and creams for continuity of the cares with the feet in house.

Results: The participants had evaluated the good workshop as (95.0%) and very good (5.0%). In the end they had evaluated with a word, detaching: we want more, was very good, we adore. After the activity had demonstrated to more interest and adhesion in the actions offered for the unit. Conclusion: One considers basic the integral assistance and the education in health to the carrying patients of diabetes, contributing with the reinforcement of the autonomy, autocuidado and the prevention of agravos, also of the diabetic foot. It was a rewarding experience, providing to us to learning and professional growth.