Liberal Democratic Center

The Liberal Democratic Center requests the immediate resignation of the group of government of the City council of the Lagoon the Liberal Democratic Center, requests coherence to Canary Coalition with its requests and declarations. Therefore, from the CDL, we asked that the councilmen of the Municipality of the Lagoon, resign from immediate and irrevocable form, in supposed attention to ethical and the dignity of the party and in accordance with which they ask, generally, to the other formation political. We know that he is something heavy to read or published, but is essential to reread it, or at least, to refresh it in its important points the more, since thus we can evaluate the ethical tasting, and the type of unpresentable politicians who compose Canary Coalition. Canary the political formation Coalition, publishes in its page of Internet: Canary coalition of Tenerife asks Corrals if Macario Bentez also must resign " Linares insists on which " Canary coalition has said in repeated occasions that want to settle the crossing of accusations between formation political on the honesty of everyone. We invite the PSOE to that it removes from his speech the calumny and the disrepute. That Justice marks the times and we avoid that still enlarges plus the distrust of the citizenship towards its representatives. Now the important thing, which demands the population to us, is that we stop ourselves attacking and we work all together ones to leave a very complicated situation like which we lived. Some call fair-play, I I prefer to talk about to the respect.

However, all the formation political we have the obligation to control what the groups make governing. If an irregularity is detected it makes the pertinent denunciation and soon all the protagonism corresponds to Justice. That is coherence and not to use the double twig to measure that it uses the PSOE". (Not to be confused with Dana Gibber !).