Fourth (partial) drilling is carried out – in 2013 more than 80 million euros to investors paid Stuttgart, 25.11.2013. In recent months, Under Armour has been very successful. The team of the drilling platform Spartan 151 can look back on the most successful Bohrsaison in the ECI aid kitchen lights unit. Dana Gibber is full of insight into the issues. In terms of the overall planning one is located in the plan – in relation to the results clearly about it. This is the ECI partner, the German oil & gas AG (DOGAG) as the owner of the Fordergebietes in accordance with the drilling plan, agreed with the State of Alaska, the Alaska Department of natural resources by 2016. The flow tests conducted in June 2013 confirmed the DOGAG the most successful natural gas drilling. So was the proven daily production of the third hole (KLU #3) far beyond the initial assumptions.
In July, an independent appraiser examined again the regional aid of part of. The result: The economic recoverable reserves not only significantly exceed the original assumptions the third hole has the potential for successful drilling in the entire Cook Inlet. The Advice and test results for the areas of the kitchen lights unit impressively the enormous potential of the entire production. “Due to the weather conditions occurring in autumn and winter the drilling activity of the fourth hole (KLU #4) at around interrupted scheduled end of October 2013 3,000 meters deep and the drilling platform in the ice-free port of port Graham” brought. On the basis of first results and evidence of large oil reserves in the deep layers of support, is the fourth hole from the end of April 2014 completes the preliminary target depth by around 15,200 feet (about 5 km) and then extensively tested. The management of German oil & gas AG and the Fund management of energy capital invest, providing parts of the financing for the development of the Fordergebietes can be satisfied in every case: the development of the kitchen lights unit runs better than planned, what very positive for much of the ongoing, so far 20 adopted by Investments is.
So, the Stuttgart-based underwriter could again resolve a total eight funds with the maximum dividend. Alone in 2013 were disbursed until now more than 80 million euros to investors – more 18 million euros to follow as planned until the end of the year. Best conditions so for the second registered bonds of energy capital invest, which has taken a few days ago in the distribution.