When some signals of retrocession are observed are arrived the contraction. This in general unchains wild race in the administrations, either in the companies, the government, the alternative businesses and each one search, trying to all protect the cost of the avalanche that if designates. A process of analysis and studies is initiated, thus searching one better norteamento for the necessary changes, acting as antidotes against the recess, all try to mold themselves and to leave unharmed. through this check up of ideas, the individuals, in general, goes if adaptando to survive satisfactorily, but, unhappyly, nor all obtain. However, exactly with as many pertinent studies, it is not known of where comes the cause, where if it originated. Studious they point as reasons, especially, the deceleration of the market, the decrease of the commercial activity, the decline of the tax of economic growth, the shrinking of the economy, at last, always in this same line. However, we know that previous to everything this had a cause – great and exemplary conclusions of studious they are most certain – but, in do not show the reality to them of its origin, only the unchained effect, far from being the beginning of all this recessivo process.
To study the cause and its origin is the main and nevrlgico point. We go to understand a little! Everything is initiated with proper human being and its action. For example, the lack of idoneousness, extreme and desregrados moral, behaviors. At last, continuously the human being search to so only get to be able, status, ownerships, the domain on the other in detriment of whatsoever, without measuring consequences. This yes is the first cause of these wild disequilibria, bringing as many difficulties, therefore, it goes compromising, businesses, commerce, groups, companies, corporations, cities, states, countries, and finally, the outcome is globalizado. Worse it is that for many until lack what for a table.