Communist Party

If they win the White House that could affect future FTAs and to those who claim the world further liberalize markets. The start of the recession could also mean the end of new labour. In 1997 Blair showed social democracy a third way between the statism and the liberalism and its Treasurer Gordon Brown boasted of having guaranteed a decade of stability and growth in the British economy which had no parallel in the history of that island. By the same author: Penguin Random House. However, today the initial popularity with which in June Brown came to the Premiership has evaporated and his Government rides of tumbo tumbo, opening possibilities for the Conservatives return to power with an agenda of partial alienation towards the European Union. Even countries that have a policy and so different to the US economy are affected. China, which is one of the locomotives of the global industry with double-digit annual growth rates, can go slowing his pace. This, even though it has traits of an estatizada and planned economy and the State monopoly of a Communist Party depends heavily American buyers and investors.

Nevertheless, optimists conceive that the U.S. recession could benefit Beijing to weaken a rival and to cool the overheating of its economy (the same as the 2007 took its biggest jump in) Thirteen years). The measures taken by the U.S. federal reserve may being late, with weakness or makeup a crisis that may be incubating to bursting with more force. The level of spending and debt personal in North America remains one of the highest in its history. At the moment, the crisis seems contained.

However, the British Prime Minister warns that worse may come. While this could lead to to grow those who pose greater regularizations, protectionism and State intervention, London and Washington posit greater transparency and serenity. The instability of markets affect various societies and can generate an important turn in mega-power driving as well as new social conflicts and wars in the world.