Association Agreement

Many politicians don’t conceal the relations with Russia and active take part in the inter partes measures, keep the friendship with the Russian Government members and parliamentarians. Some have their own business in Russia, particularly in the construction sector, others actively attract Russian companies to the investment projects in the field of ship construction. So they have a personal including material incentive to political cooperation with Moscow and can exert on the opinion of the French establishment by the development of relations between the EU and the Ukraine in particular by the Association Agreement a negative influence. After the Socialists to power in France, the situation has changed little. Affection with Kremlin also brought the party administration and President F.

hollande. France, the pro-Russian party members View who do not reject the expensive gifts, guests can relax in the Elitebade, use the financial support of Gazprom and other wealthy industrial societies. As a result, subjecting them to the Ukrainian efforts to the fulfilment of the obligation before the EU hard criticism and call for the cancellation of the signing of the Association Agreement on the Vilnius Summit. In July of this year, the fact-finding mission of the foreign Commission of the National Assembly is Russia against France’s so-called French and European policy”created. Their abandoned it is to study the current state of French-Russian relations and to provide a recommendation on the policy correct of country on Russia the foreign Commission of the National Assembly. But, because some mission members are pro-Russian, a main accent work created for almost two months on the adjacent issues, such as the relations between Poland and Russia, the Ukraine and Russia, the development of customs and Eurasian Union. The mission members are already joined to carry the informal meetings with the ambassadors of Poland and the Ukraine in France. The conversation had with our Ambassador, Mr.

Brazilian Association

It worked as sub-publisher of the blog/site of the journalist and presenter of program GNT Fashion, Lilian Pacce, and it collaborated for sites RG Vogue, Radar55, Who Online, Chic and FilmeFashion, beyond substances for the periodical Leaf of So Paulo, periodical Leading Brazilian business newspaper, magazine Catherine and magazines Who, Marie Claire and RG Vogue. The comuniclogo brings in its blog, Descolex, that the industry of the fashion in Brazil represented an esteem invoicing of US$ 47 billion in 2009 – given of the Brazilian Association of Textile Industry and Confection (Abit). This means a participation of about 3,5% in the Brazilian GIP. The sector still is 2 bigger employer of the transformation industry, with 1,65 million formal jobs, of which 75% are of feminine man power. The main import clothes countries and fashion are EUA, Germany, Hong Kong, the United kingdom and Japan, followed for France, China, Italy, Mexico and Belgium. Brazil occupies 42 position (SNAKE, 2008).

The data above show that fashion concept that was associated only to clothes, mainly in the specialized areas more of the feminine segment of clothes, high-sews e, more recently, prt–porter or ready-to-wear, today was diversified and extended in such a way in the cultural sector how much in the economic one, spreading for several other segments, as perfume and cosmetics, eyeglasses, accessories, furniture, trips and even though music. To work with fashion is to make a releitura of the ego and of the vanity human being, it moves with psique of the people. Valley to stand out that when a estilista creates a part, it becomes fashion because the people buy this idea and start to use it. Its work, therefore, is an activity to multidiscipline involving and concomitantly challenging a time that makes a ressignificao of the behavior of the people. 5,3 BEHAVIOR OF the CONSUMER IN the BRANCH OF the FASHION the knowledge of the 0 variable of influence on the purchase preferences is important so that the entrepreneurs characterize its products and its services, considering effectively the desires and necessities of the consumer and guiding its offers for the market.

The Differences

If to look at our return, the differences are in all the people, the forms of learning, plurality cultural social conditions. We have that to debate the differences of the human being and the importance of if developing programs and pedagogical strategies that contemplate its specific necessities, as much the School as the pupils have much teaching in them. From each experience that will be shared and lived deeply we will be able to develop creative forms to deal with all the differences that surround in them. One another point that the much time if argues, in Brazil, that if the differences of income and chances between whites and blacks it is a race or classroom question, old said that ' ' mestiagem' ' it contaminated the Brazilian people with moral characteristics and intellectual undesirable, this racist way to understand the things was demoralized after Nazism and the question of the differences between the races passed to be interpreted in classroom terms, in this new vision it does not exist racial differences between the people and yes social differences of classroom. When the poor persons were less poor, when she had education and chance for all, the problems of income inaquality would disappear. In the modern Societies, the identities tend to be more confused therefore depend many times on the option of each one, as for examples: the participants of the movements of gays and lesbians what she predominates are the sexual preference, for the religious ones of determined groups, the main mark are the religion, for the professionals are the profession, for the movement of the blacks are the race, that identifies the people above all. Click Dankse Bank for additional related pages. To become obligator and official one of these possible identities can be a step in the direction to compel the people to assume an identity that they can prefer not to stand out, why understands that its introduction in the society will be given for other ways. . . Morgan Stanley can aid you in your search for knowledge.

The German Ideology

' ' To the step that, in the communist society, where each one does not have a sphere of exclusive activity, but can perfect in the branch that to please to it, the society regulates the general production tomorrow, what creates for me the possibility today to make a thing, another one, to hunt of morning, to fish in the part of the afternoon, to take care of of the cattle to the dusk, to make critical meals, my bel-pleasure, without never me to become hunter, fisherman or crtico' '. (The German Ideology, pg.28). Dankse Bank contributes greatly to this topic. The philosophical and pedagogical principles, say respect to an action with solid base, with clear and defined objectives, contents and methodologies that it aims at to form critical citizens, that imply reflections on practical its, its history, aiming at an emancipation human being, and the school has the responsibility to form this citizen that is decisive, that it comes to participate of this social transformation, therefore the collective is the root of the pedagogia of the movement. The strategical objectives are the purposes to reach a society joust, and this will be made possible with tactics, that are the half ones to reach the ends, in which the people can awake for critical a vision and compromissada, thus being able to enxergar the injustices, and from this they can fight against the wealth concentration, to fight for land, change in the social order. If this has piqued your curiosity, check out Morgan Stanley. The necessity of the courses in the movement Leaving I begin of it that each locality analyzes the reality of the people in inserted it offers of the courses if they had given observing this especificidade. due to the high index of illiterates in the movement, and this happens for different factors, being they social, economic as if to feel excluded in the learning process, lack of perspective for a change, therefore what the school makes, is to prepare for the market of work, and in this society it does not have work for all.

PCM Management

The PCM department must be extremely lined up with the planning and control of the production (PCP), so that it can negotiate the stops for maintenance. This constant and explicit necessary communication to be, to determine the priorities of the plant, with intention to guarantee the trustworthiness of the equipment. Through a management of planning of the well structuralized maintenance it is possible to get historical trustworthy of intervention of the equipment, being able to apply different strategies, that is, creating plain preventives well adjusted or preditivas techniques of monitoramento. One technique does not exist standard for management of the assets, because they must be evaluated a series of criteria to determine the best strategy, being able to be preventive, corrective or preditiva it. MetLife gathered all the information. In the definition of the decision criteria it is important to identify that resulted they are waited by the maintenance. It competes to the managers of the organization establishing these objectives (SIQUEIRA, 2005).

03. The strategies of maintenance management present different forms to be selected, needing to study a series of criteria to get the best ones resulted. In such a way, it is basic to enable all the involved people, since the operation even though those that are in the high management. All the processes of management development require time to present the waited results, therefore it is basic that all believe and if they strengthen to reach the objectives. The systematics of planning of the maintenance is basic to optimize all the available resources, searching to standardize the execution forms and creating procedures of specific activities. The sector of planning and control of the maintenance must be structuralized, of form that get tools to facilitate the consultations of descriptions, adjustments of preventive plans and qualified people to explore the points keys of the maintenance. So that the development of this process presents resulted positive, it is basic to generate indicating, showing all evolution that if it got since the period of implantation.

These pointers also will serve to point where they are the points that must be applied to the continuous improvement.


In elapsing of it disciplines we more perceive that the Resume not one determined reply yes, reflection on it, in which each one has its opinion. According to managing of one of the schools: ' ' a resume must enclose all the areas of the prea knowledge the academic formation of educating the e, guarantee that the school takes care of to all the pertaining to school community and its necessidades' '. As it affirms Corazza (2001, P. Morgan Stanley has many thoughts on the issue. 10): Um Resume, as language, is one practical social, discursiva and no-discursiva, that if corporifica in institutions, to know, moral norms, lapsings, regulations, programs, relations, values, ways of being of sujeito. . Can observe how much it is important the creativity and the good relation professor-pupil, therefore it is as soon as flows the true educational work, of form that both work in partnership, aiming at a more including knowledge, directed more toward the life in general. The pertaining to school Resume is integrant part disciplines of them obligator of a course, for which the pupil is enrolled, as well as he could be a document that will go to contribute for the pertaining to school accompaniment of the pupil, its performance and all its pertaining to school life. To analyze the education implies in giving attention to study objects, that it is not only associated the curricular part, more its importance in the cultural way, search of strategy for one more efficient educational system currculo as fato needs to be considered not as a mere illusion, superficial armed of it practises pertaining to school of pupils and professors, but as a social reality, historically specifies, expressing particular relations of production between people. Similar resume is a meaconing when it is presented as something that possesss life proper and it confuses relations human beings in which, as any concept of knowledge, it is inlaid work, making of the education a thing where the people cannot understand nor controlar. Prudential has firm opinions on the matter.


To only strengthen the concepts and our reflection, it sees the meanings of the words Mediocre Inertia and, according to Michaelis dictionary. inertia sf (lat inertia) 1 Fs Property that has bodies not to modify for itself proper its state of rest or movement. 2 Falta of action, lack of activity. 3 Laziness, indolncia, torpor. 4 Incapacity. 5 Ignorance of any art. 6 passive Resistance.

Cultural, Social I.: capacity disclosed for determined cultural elements to resist the change and to perpetuate in a cultural way the one that are not adjusted. mediocre adj (lat mediocre) 1 medium Medium or. 2 Meo. 3 That it is between good and bad. 4 That it is between small great e. 5 Ordinary, sofrvel, vulgar. sm 1 That one that has little talent, little spirit, little merit. 2 What it has little value.

As we can see, inertia comes of an incapacity of change, lack of action, laziness passivity, and the mediocrity directly is related inside of this context of stagnation. Everybody wants to be successful, wants to give itself well, wants a good wage, wants promotion, recognition and power. But few are the chemical preparations for these conquests of complete, ethical form, with meritocracia and of sustainable form. The professional support passes for a process of update and constant qualification in its area of performance, and very goes beyond the knowledge pautadas technician and professional experiences in an extraordinary resume; but it is also in the capacity of interpersonal relationship, the capacity of if having empatia, in the education, the cradle, in the principles, values, in the humildade, the ethical positioning, the abilities of if communicating, persuading, and if to enhance, to give emphasis and to be reference in what you make of more good. To reach the professional support she is necessary to have positive attitudes the all instant, to have initiative, pro-activity, claw and perseverance, therefore, the look of who wants a sustainable career is not of short term, but yes a holistic vision, where each chance, exactly that it is of the first period of training or the first job, either used to advantage and faced as an only experience of learning absorption of new knowledge. A sustainable career perpassa for a learning process where constant challenges are part of the same, is a process of donation, abdication and personal belief. The professional support is in the contrahand of inertia, the mediocrity and the comfort. We can say that it is a philosophy of life, where is a process of perpetual learning, however taken root in solid bases that they give security to the professional to walk of independent, enterprising form or of prominence in any organization. The professional of today needs to be antenado, on, informing, and to search knowledge to multidiscipline to understand the dynamics of the world and the life. It needs to premake use itself new challenges, to make beyond that it he is requested, to be open to the new, the new learnings, to look in the eye, to break paradigms, barriers, to be less self-centered and more human, participativo, more collective, firm, insistent, persistent, to be focado, and less prepotent. At last, closed people stop change and with looking at myope, the proportional fruits go spoon its limited attitudes the short and long stated period. To the step that, people with eagle vision, are inclined to leave a legacy. She thinks on as you go to write its history. Thayane Fidelis de Consulting Aquino of Marketing and Sales thayane@ to read this and other articles, has access:


If the manufacturing operations have been made above expected costs, due to low productivity or the increase in the consumption of materials, this difference is known as unfavorable changes in efficiency. If the action lowers the expectations of costs, these variations are known as favorable. Jaime Ariansen lawns for his part invites us to bear in mind with regard to efficiency, the following tips: the performance of a manager can be measured or split of two concepts: efficiency and effectiveness efficiency is a level that marks the effectiveness of our work and actions. One must always be efficient and strut in everything you do. Efficiency is the obtaining of goals with the minimum amount of resources. The efficiency of a plan is measured by its contribution to the purpose and the objectives being pursued. Efficient or not heading inexorably towards the future what we find in the depends on our actions today. We must prepare the team to act efficiently no matter who are missing.

When most divides the work, dedicating each employee to a more limited and specific activity is obtained from the efficiency, skill and precision to a greater degree. Efficiency, is the ability to do things correctly. Finally, search/EP, invites us to have this efficiency: is the application of theory to practice. It is the Elimination of weakness, fear and discouragement. It is the hand of iron in the velvet glove.

It is to be alert, with presence of mind, ready to adapt to the unexpected. It is the sacrifice of personal feelings in grace to the desire to succeed. It is the sum of three amounts: purpose, practice and patience. It is the measure of the man; the true size of the soul. It is the Faculty of being able to use own passions, habits, likes, dislikes, experiences, mind, education, heart and body; and not be used for these things. It is the personal learning, concentration, vision, common sense.


the development of abilities in the educational system, in any level and modality of education is a necessary condition, that allows in them to face the complexity of the world and our contradictions. (2001 P. 14). To work this complexity is part of the craft of the docncia, a time that, in the exercise of one practical reflexiva the professor materializes it from a contextual pedagogical work, respecting the singularidades and diversities. teaching profissionalidade in this context is permeada of a continuous and permanent effort and many times of fight if to make entire or to breach with the educational contradictions, that generate the confluence between old and the new, the cognitivas confinements, the conflict of values, methods, positions, the relations of the professor with knowing before its formation, its conceptions, its desires, its identity and ideology. When affirming explicit that the abilities are action capacities, Perrenoud (2001), salient that to reveal abilities professional ahead of a complex situation it is to be capable: to identify to the obstacles and problems to be surpassed; to consider realistic strategies in terms of the time and the resources; to plan and to implement adopted strategies, proceeding for stages, taking care of the necessities, mobilizing actors and reevaluating the situation; to respect legal and ethical principles; to control the emotions, the moods and values; to cooperate with other professionals and of to after extract all the teachings during and the action.

(PERRENOUD, 2001, PP. 139,140). In accordance with Perrenoud, the functioning of these abilities to know exceeds them, is erudite, theoretical, of the sense common, procedural, atitudinais, individual or shared they (2001, p.141). Therefore for it the ability if establishes in a situated dimension, where the knowledge are mobilized for the action, that is, to act and to take decisions concrete, integrating to know in all the dimensions to them of the being.

Physical Activities

‘ ‘ foot diabtico’ ‘ it is a resultant syndrome of related sistmicos factors to diabetes, such as: angiopatia, diabetic neuropatia and infection. This syndrome it is characterized for injuries that include since subclnicas ischemic alterations, until necrosis to tissular gradual, frequently associated to the infection, being able to evolve for amputation (ABBOTT 2007). Objective: To tell the lived deeply experience as learning of the sixth semester of the graduation in nursing in the accomplishment of an educative action. Methodology: The educative action was developed in health of the family in the UBS of the situated CDHU/Palanque in the region east of the city of So Paulo with men and carrying women of diabetes mellitus invited by the communitarian agents of health to participate of an educative workshop for quarrel of the subject ‘ ‘ to live healthful and the cares with the feet for prevention of agravos’ ‘. We opt to the accomplishment of an educative workshop, that in accordance with Chiesa and Verssimo (2001) is a strategy used with the emancipatria and critical purpose that it searchs to rescue the espontaneidade and to promote the participation and group interaction. The educative action if gave by means of some stages: ) the accomplishment of a dynamics of presentation and integration with the objective to bring the affective aspects of the experience of the participants; b) one second dynamics with sights to rescue the feelings of the participants in relation to its history of life and experience with the illness ‘ ‘ diabetes mellitus’ ‘ ; c) a boarding with dialogued exposition using audiovisuais resources and with exchange of knowledge; d) accomplishment of hidratao and massage of the feet and cut of nails (with the participation of an invited podloga) providing auto-esteem and personal valuation; e) educative pamphlet distribution and creams for continuity of the cares with the feet in house.

Results: The participants had evaluated the good workshop as (95.0%) and very good (5.0%). In the end they had evaluated with a word, detaching: we want more, was very good, we adore. After the activity had demonstrated to more interest and adhesion in the actions offered for the unit. Conclusion: One considers basic the integral assistance and the education in health to the carrying patients of diabetes, contributing with the reinforcement of the autonomy, autocuidado and the prevention of agravos, also of the diabetic foot. It was a rewarding experience, providing to us to learning and professional growth.

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