Mafra Convent

The sagrao of the basilica of Mafra will be made in day twenty and two of October of a thousand seven hundred and thirty, as much make that the time on as it lacks, come sun or come rain, fall the snow or blow the wind, nor that if it floods the world or give tranglomango to it. (MC, P. 282). Most important for the king it was that the convent was inaugurated with it still while still alive. It would not be enough that the workmanship was inaugurated by one of its children.

All the credit of the construction of this convent would have to be given to the king. It is perceived in this attitude how much D. Joo was extremely egoistic and vain person. The conclusion of the convent in the stated period established for the king was almost impossible, due to the short space of time and the lack of enough man power. The found way, then, was to compel the people to work in the construction: … Ordeno that to all the corregedores of the kingdom if order that they congregate and they send for Mafra how many laborers if to find in its jurisdictions, is they manual carpenters, masons or, removing them, despite for violence, of its mesteres, and that under to no leaves them excuse to be, them not being valid consideraes of family, dependence or previous obligation, because nothing is above of the real will, saved the divine will, and to this nobody will be able to invoke, it will make that it in go, because necessarily for service of it if it commands this step, I have said. (MC, P. 282). Through this repressora will, extremely deriving of its vanity, the king obtained to subverter many people, who for not having another option to gain the life, had worked arduously in the workmanships of the convent, sacrificing themselves and even though dying in virtue of the risky conditions of taken over on a contract basis work of this huge one.

Ensinar Kardec Man

It constantly announced to be needing employed working in its farm, but the majority of the people was demonstrated little made use to work in farms in that region. They feared the horrorosas storms that literally swept the farms, causing estragos in the plantations and the local constructions. The search for new used was constant and the refusals that the farmer also received. Certain day, however, a man of stature low, lean, to half age, if approached to the farmer asking: He is looking farmer to you? In reply, the farmer asked then: You are a good farmer? Well ….. I can sleep while the winds blow, I answered the small man …… Although confused with the reply, the farmer, needed new employees, he contracted it. Throughout the first months the man worked well around of the farm, remaining itself busy since the dawn until the one for of the sun, leaving the sufficiently satisfied farmer with the result of its work.

Then, in a cold night, the wind uivou noisily. Scared, the farmer jumped of the bed, grasped a lampio and ran until the lodging of the employees. He shook the small man and he cried out: He raises! A storm is arriving very quickly! We need to moor everything so that the things are not dragged! For the surprise of the farmer, the small man looked at the farmer calmly and said with firm voice: Not Sir! I spoke to it: I can sleep while the winds blow. Infuriated with the reply, the farmer felt itself attemped to fire the small man immediately, however she was necessary to hurry the actions at that moment and to prepare the place for the storm that quickly advanced. He would deal with the employee later. However, when covering the farm, for its amazement, it discovered that all the haystacks were covered with canvas, firmly imprisoned to the ground; the cattle well was protected in the granary, the chickens in the fisheries and all the doors were very well stopped, well closed windows insurances.

Everything very moored well; it swims could be dragged. It was then that the farmer understood, finally, what its employee wanted to say ….. It returned for its bed and it came back to sleep tranquilamente, while the wind blew fort there is. When in we find them well prepared physical and spiritual, it does not have nothing to fear. We can continue sleeping calm while the strong winds blow in our lives!

The Exterior

Therefore context of blackout social overwhelming is element fundamental and concrete historical that characterizes the society contemporary, ahead of this valley to say that it disables the ethical accomplishment human being, I share of meaning aristotelian of whom this practical capacity of living with straightness is entirely dependent of the context where the individual lives, however is not reasonable to ahead reprehend severely the individual of an absent position of ethics, therefore the context of clear oppression does not make possible it to develop this practical reason so longed for. In this context the quarrel around happiness is pertinent. I defend that currently viable it does not have to the alienation conditions which I related to me, however is important to emphasize that the happiness must widely be longed for, therefore to glimpse the impossibility of reach of the happiness, becomes in fact impossible.To the step that depends exclusively on the oppressed classroom so that if they can materialize the essential virtues in the society contemporary that are: mutual respect, justice, equality and freedom that must be comungados socially and not in the individual scope, beyond that they are interdependent in its application and they condition it rational life (I free of the blackout) so that thus they are effective medium. In this direction it was that I considered myself to analyze the thematic one contextualizando with the concept that we share of ethics. One becomes certain that the ethics definition encloses the capacity of independent free action and of the individual, consists essentially of affirming that it implies in a decision process. However, if to leave of this estimated fulfills to us to asseverar that this freedom implies responsibility on the exterior sphere of our actions, and in result of this responsibility drift it force coactive psychic or social for the actions that wound the accepted values morally.

Martins Sources Liberal

The liberal one is that one that considers the cruelty the worse thing that we can make. But it does not have argumentativa reply to thus convince somebody to be. For Rorty, the majority of the not-intellectuals still has some form of religious faith and/or iluminista rationalism. Thus, the ironista is perceived as avesso the democracy, the life in society. In its liberal utopia, solidarity human being would be an objective to be reached not for the investigation, but for the imagination, to see, for example, strange people as similar sofredores. This bigger sensitivity becomes more difficult to keep out of society for the thought the different people of us. For Rorty, this process of ‘ ‘ sensibilizao’ ‘ it is not a task for the theory, but a queto of ‘ ‘ olhar’ ‘ at great length the unknown people and to redescrever who we are we ourselves.

With respect to in such a way, it points with respect to sorts as journalism, cinema, television and, mainly, the romance, in the place of the sermon and the treat one, as main vehicles of moral change and progress. It is a yaw against the theory and in favor of the narrative. Assuming the contingency of the language, the multiple vocabularies, giving up if searching a metavocabulrio that could accumulate of stocks all the others, all the ways to judge and to feel. To use the imagination to create new forms of if living, instead of trying the convergence for an existing truth already. A philosophy that abandons its pretensions of transcendental or ontolgica recital and is left to see as practical rhetoric of mediation, engaged in the promotion of a culture ‘ ‘ liberal’ ‘ , a culture where the description of what he is ‘ ‘ we, humanos’ ‘ it can and it must changed itself continuously, including each time more social practical forms of life and.The reduction of the cruelty is the objective of this practical cultural, that assumes its contingency and its absence of ‘ ‘ fundamento’ ‘ in a ontolgica idea of ‘ ‘ humano’ ‘.A time that ‘ ‘ humano’ ‘ it is what the community defines for its intentions, to include each time more exemplary in this category is bigger task of the liberal politics of the intellectual philosopher, as well as of the romancista, the literary critic and the anthropologist. It is not possible to the philosopher to intend any epistmico privilege for the performance of this task.

In contrast, it is, frequently, the least quoted to play it well, a time that not if dirige with priority to the imagination and the feeling of identity of the individuals of the community. In this perspective, ‘ ‘ objetividade’ ‘it is a enganoso name, invented for ingenuous realists in epistemologia and ethics, persecutors of an independent universality of the practical human beings. Rorty considers to substitute ‘ ‘ objetividade’ ‘ for ‘ ‘ solidariedade’ ‘ , that is, for the intersubjetivo agreement, always limited, contingent and historical. The pragmatista conceives the epistmico and moral universe not as established in independent objective realities, but as joint of practical cooperatives of construction of beliefs, desires and feelings.It does not have as to speak of objetividade it stops beyond these practical. BIBLIOGRAPHY RORTY, Richard. Contingency, irony and solidarity.

Immortal Spirit

Then somebody question: But, as IT created me in perishable meat? IT created in them in Immortal Spirit. The Spirit is who commands the body and can grow with it, therefore the substance is not its enemy as much people say. Without the Spirit the body nor is of foot. FOR the LIGHT WIND OF the DAY When they had heard the voice Mr. Deus, who walked in the garden for the light wind of the day, had hidden of the presence Mr. Deus, the man and its woman, among the trees of the garden. Gnesis de Moiss, CAP.

Mr. Deus to the man and it asked to it: Where you are? 10? It answered: I heard your voice in the garden, and, because he was naked, I had fear, and I hid myself. Gnesis de Moiss, CAP. 3:9 the 12. I advise to you that of me you buy fine gold for the fire to become rich itself, white vestiduras to be dressed, so that she is not manifest the shame of your nudez, and colrio for ungires the eyes, so that you see.

Occult Poverty

The wealth in Brazil destoa grotescamente with the real scene. The rich ones of today are the emergent middle class. These in turn, had become a rich type of atypical. The rich Brazilians have resource to buy what to want. To have one high standard of living and to belong to the economic classroom outburst of laughter (expression known for the research justinian codes on the economic classroom) take, them to have what to understand well. But that type of wealth is this that can lead to have optimum car of the local scene if it cannot be become free of the common daily usualidades as the transit, for example? As much purchasing power not purchase the social freedom.

Brazil is taken by the social poverty. Ones with in such a way and others with so little. This disparity takes Brazil to a daily ferrenha dispute. The number of assailant, dealers, estupradores, kidnappers and other maleficent pluralities are taking account of the ptridas streets, these searching what it does not belong to them and the victims losing the belonged one. As much wealth does not guarantee the certainty of the security. rich they live imprisoned to the fear.

A fear takes that them to live confined in its world, but exactly thus hidden for brings of enormous walls, watches 24 hours and scare permanent. As much uncertainty of security takes the occult poor persons to revert part of its wealth to arm of monitoring devices/security. When they travel for other countries, the rich ones feel shame for the image that has ahead of the foreigners. All its wealth empobrece ahead of this feeling. As well as the rich ones they possess an occult poverty, the poor person also has a wealth that the rich ones do not enxergam. The vision poverty hinders to see the wealth that is in the head of the educated people. If we lived in an educated society, the rich ones would leave the shame and the poor persons would leave the poverty.

Truth On Gold Mines

Since its infancy, you already she must have seen people gold extration and asked if they never were rich. Using only one pan and water, and clearly, some flow of magician, you she can have thought some to establish gold mines of considerable substance. But, in the reality, the gold reserves are more substantial in rocky formations that in pebbles in the deep one of a stream. Industrially, to pan gold is an inefficient way to find the ore. However, the modern gold mines bring risk that many investors simply do not want shoulder. Gold has lasting value, but, at the same time it is being more difficult to find. The age of the globalization, us we have one boom now economic in some parts of the world where this did not happen in centuries. In some of these countries, the gold is reverenciado.

Let us take, for example, India and China, both which have a significant impact on the trends of the world-wide economy. They also both have cultural bows with the gold as the measure of the wealth. In the whole world, the countries are gaining stature, and, at the same time, the gold purchase as an investment. Then, what it is happening? , The fast gold search now, is passing well what the mines can bring for are of the land. The gold search new never was certain and proved to be risky. the mines, who knows how much time they goes to aguentar? The estimates are made, but nor always necessary.

It also has a significant time of the discovery to the production – to the times years. Mines are dangerous places, as we already tried throughout history. Gold mines load an additional risk of residues that can be infiltrated in the fretico sheet. Although the production methods had improved very, many countries not yet are until the speed. Everything this makes with that it is an excellent moment to invest in gold. The demand is there and can be verified. The gold rarity is real. Mines cannot produziz it fast the sufficient. New mines can be years of distance of production. Income cannot be calculated with precision. It makes direction, at least, to look at to invest in gold. It sees what you can pay and buy some for its financial wallet. You will be happy that you made.

The League

For this reason, the centers destine important resources to the formation of competitive equipment and they strive in recruiting like students the athletes, nationals and foreigners with more talent, than will represent to them in the different competitions from each modality.The scholarships are means to attract these sportsmen since they allow to support the derived expenses them of the studies. Every year, they are granted more than 175,000 scholarships in 35 sport disciplines, many of them to international students. They can be partial – between 30% and 80% – to cover the costs with the university matriculation, or totals, that correspond to other concepts like lodging, maintenance or text books. The quantity settles down based on the sport level of the student, the league or division in which it is going to compete, the rank of its equipment and, by all means, the university grants that it. The aid occurs in principle by a year, but generally they renew for the later ones, whenever the student maintains the sport and academic level demanded by the center. Training and study For these students everything are advantages. Besides being able study far below superiors by a price to the habitual one, the universities design specific academic plans to them that allow them to arrange his formation with the sport activity.The sportsmen value this aspect, since thus they are not forced to leave his training to follow the formation and, once they obtain the title, can continue his sport race in the professional scope.

Of equal way, he allows that many athletes do not have to sacrifice their academic trajectory by mutual incompatibility with the exigencies of the sport. Studies and training are bound and the student must have to approve his classes to maintain the scholarship in the later years. Academic and sport requirements the international students who want to obtain one of these scholarships must satisfy certain requirements.


To make money with an idea for Internet How to know if an Idea is Commercially viable in Internet? Analyses FODA the small opportunities are the beginning of great companies. Demstenes 352 a. C. In the traditional trade a technique exists that denominates analysis FODA. FODA is apcope of: Strengths, Opportunities, Weaknesses and Threats.

These words are used to establish strategies and the viability of the companies in relation to the market and to the demand for a product or service. You can apply analysis FODA in your business online she wishes when it, but she is recommended to do it when its business still is an idea; this way we will have the advantage of knowing how viable is an idea to take it to the field of the businesses in Internet without of having established you rule more important to confront the commercial project without failing before the niche of chosen market and its particularitities. In order to make analysis FODA it only must take a pencil and a paper (or the notepad of its PC) and to write down its idea, next must place: Strengths: In this description it will have to indicate as they are those Strengths on which it will count its business online. They can be varied, from the fast attention to its own experience. Basically, one is how original, different and applicable it is its idea with respect to which already they exist. (Cercirese of which their idea is sufficiently creative, innovating, jeopardizes with the ethically sensible quality and to be able to soon resist it with the other points of the analysis) Opportunities: The basic questions of this description are: What opportunities of success have this idea? Where? Exists market? In order to respond them it must face the idea of his business from all the possible perspective, to managing to clarify the opportunities that it will have and offer before the chosen niche.


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The European Banking Authority (EBA), person in charge of the stress test, requests the same. The banks that do not pass the tests of solution need an additional capital 2,500 million Euros. Five Spanish organizations have suspended the tests The report (PDF). The European Commission trusted east Friday that the banks that have suspended the European tests of resistance take the measures necessary to reinforce their capital, in an official notice sent after publishing the results of the test. ” Those banks that have not reached the threshold and those has done that it but reflect substantial weaknesses, we hoped that they adopt the steps necessary to reinforce his positions of capital” , it says a joint official notice of the commissioners of Economic and Monetary Subjects, Olli Rehn, and of Inner Market and Financial Services, Michel Barnier. The BCE goes in the misa El line European Central bank (BCE) considers that the publication of the test resultses of stress which finally the 90 main European organizations have been put under has demonstrated to be ” an important tool to improve the transparency of the banking system europeo”. The institution presided over by Jean Claude Trichet is underlining that these examinations have served to keep awake to the market all the excellent information to value the resistance of the organizations in an adverse scene.

Also, the BCE was added to the recommendations of European Banking Autoridad (EBA) so that those cases of organizations are solved quickly in which an additional necessity of capital has been detected to not to have reached the ratio of 5% of Core Tier 1 or in that have been closely together of this threshold. In this way, the BCE has asked for the European governments who fulfill the commitment acquired in the meeting of the Ecofin of the past 12 of July to guarantee all the necessary measures of cleaning. A total of 8 of the 90 main European financial organizations that have been put under the test of stress coordinated by the European Banking Authority (EBA, by its abbreviations in English) has suspended the examination to not to have been able to maintain at least a basic capital of 5% in more adverse the economic scene. One is five Spanish financial organizations, two Greek banks and one Austrian. Altogether, the banks that do not pass the tests of solution need an additional capital 2,500 million Euros. Other 16 banks remain to the limit of the suspension, with a capital among 5% and 6%. The most negative scene includes a contraction of the GIP in eurozona of 0.5% in 2011 and 0.2% in 2012, with rates of unemployment of 10.3% and 10.8% respectively. Source of the news: The BCE and the EC ask to countries with suspended organizations in solution that take measures

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