Pastoral Council

Sometimes it is inevitable for everything that might happen within a pastoral service in the parish. I want to tell what happened to me, to make it clear that no one can use negative attitudes within a pastoral service; because it’s like expelling members who are doing a selfless service. My pastoral service in the parish consisted of two functions and am going to narrate them in order because an event led to the next. As he narrated above, I was as director of the choir of the charismatic prayer group of our parish and as a member of the Pastoral Council. In the Pastoral Council were seven people with the pastor at the head. Seven people whom, three were four men and ladies.

One of the ladies was Secretary of records for each meeting and your name is Gabriela, and is the reason that I went away definitely parish, but not of the Church. This lady already had spoken to me before, but I didn’t want to believe nothing of what you told me, because at the beginning not I realized her behavior and I was slowly discovering. I have always said that we should not look at the person making service in the parish, but see the service is doing, to be able to assess his work; but this time I think there is the exception, because while it is true that not him unable to remove the hard work and dedication to his pastoral service, we can not fail to mention negative in this person. A first detail that I discovered, and which I had already heard, is that liked the Mrs Gabriela make you feel like the victim. At Council meeting, with the present parish priest, liked repeated times, say much they abused her and that he was going to leave the Office. The first time I heard it seemed normal, but this was recurring, and seems like he liked to tell him he should not do that, because the parish needed it much, and not to do if these people, since they were a few envious and that Jesus also suffered the same.


On Saturday 26 August, afternoon Guadalajara is in honoured with the parade of the international Mariachi Festival to such an event was present, Governor Emilio Gonzalez Marquez showing his straight bearing and Justo, ironically already had left two contingents from the Park dwell them; the other, from peacekeeping and calzada independence. They were the Secretariat of public security (SSP) anti-riot agents. Take care of your order and block the passage to the demonstrators who are against the Guadalajara Macrobus especially to the construction of the second line. As it was to be expected, part of the culture that exists as soon as public safety is concerned, the term Conatus of anger at lock, leading between the assistants women, children and the elderly, leaving a balance of several wounded and detainees, first and foremost this our Governor enjoyed folk wonders that were displayed during the parade. What happened only last Saturday proves so emaciated and hypocritical in our State Government policy.

As it is possible that our Governor He could be sitting and so smiling knowing that commanded the SSP agents against the protester (which indeed manifest itself is its constitutional right) instead of being able to arrange through the already not even political, but rational and peaceful, responds to the call from Jalisco with riot. In reality, I hope and reassured me to know the actual circumstances within days by which it was decided to carry out such an Act, likewise at least an apology to the attacked, has to remember (Mr. Governor) that without them (society) to which you are to serve, had not witnessed the parade of the international fair of Mariachi in first row, this is not to say sure against demonstrations, nor the Government, nor that you can witness a parade, but if I am against injustice and abuse of power, which damage to third parties, only by personal or partisan interests.


In his hands he had tight something that couldn’t recognize. They seemed like thermometers.- but, that would make Sophie with a few few thermometers in your hand?-. Sophie showed him his closed fists that hugged the four pregnancy kits. -That you are not able to guess what this is? had told him with a special smile. Pete saw the eyes of Sophie had a special glow. Was so long that I didn’t see that shine that both the He had characterized in his childhood and adolescence! -No – replied Pete – I have no idea. What is it? Thermometers – they seem.

Slowly, Sophie opened fists and laid bare the 4 positive kits that Pete was immediately recognized. -Sophie, said you no me…say that-… -If – Sophie replied. -The highly improbable has become an absolute reality. I’m pregnant-.

Pete hugged her more tenderly if that was possible, than usual. He kissed her repeatedly. Sophie responded to his caresses as he had not ever made. At that moment he knew that she was in love with Pete, and that his blindness had not allowed him to realize, until that moment, that by magic, had achieved that she should take conscience of that love. -Miracles happen daily – he said Sophie-only that human beings do not know see them because we consider it normal, but every birth is a miracle and this pregnancy is nothing more than one of them. They threw over the carpet and made love until exhaustion. Pete did not return to the Office that day neither nor responded to calls that repeatedly had made him his Secretary. -If you thought Sophie my life is now complete-. But the life that never stops, never stops moving the pieces of the puzzle to your own liking.

Cologne Substance

It is what happens when after a crime pulls the gun into the River. Not everything is there. For something are ballistic reports and, from there, to pull the skein of Ariadne’s thread. The same dog different collar. Why not reeling is the bowels of memory in search of lucky supermarket in order to save your ass your seraph? Is it not whereas them not noted where comes the delicious meat? The seed of discord, the done germinal, the seed of all this film isn’t anything other than positive for clembuterol in infinitesimal doses. Zas, zas. Camouflaged here, camouflaged by beyond.

Outside beards. Positive. Lisa and plainly. Pedro Manonelles, Secretary general of the Federation of sports medicine said that the positive for clembuterol depends not the amount of the substance found, but whether or not compound, is in proportion be. Indeed, the same Cologne lab found in a sample of the Hurdler Josephine Onya less amount of clenbuterol than the one found on Alberto Contador. And nobody took up arms.

Two years of sanction. Much refers the presumption of innocence of the cyclist, as if this is found under the halogen light of one of these hovels where a policeman with mustache and plump bawling in your face until out you the statement that you come in WINS. On the one hand are laws universal and other internal regulations. At the moment an athlete signing the report prior to the completion of the doping test, explicitly supports that any substance which can be found in the control is exclusively your responsibility. On the other hand, it speaks of the fact of the amount found in relation to the little or no performance that it would produce in the athlete. According to the definition of the IOC, doping is the a craftsman (substance or method) using potentially dangerous to the health of athletes and/or capable of improving the results, or the presence in the body of the athlete of a substance or the test of the application of a method contained on a list attached to the Olympic movement anti-doping code.

Mexican Government

It is not the exception in the case of Mexico and in the last five months, has been reported the closure of 15,000 SMEs with an estimated loss of more than 30,000 jobs. In relation to monetary policy that comes forward carrying the Banxico, the same is located in line with the objective of stimulating economic activity. In this sense, the Undersecretary of the Ministry of finance and public credit (SHCP), Alejandro Werner confirmed recently that the entity will continue with cycle of cutting rates to shore up economic recovery: there is no inflationary pressure. Bank of Mexico has made it clear that it will continue to cut interest rates. The reference interest rate is currently at 6.75% and there is the expectation that the end of the year at 5%, although the context is not as clear as for enabling this is concrete.

Despite statements by Werner, the market does not show optimistic about inflation expectations. According to the participants of the survey conducted by Banxico on expectations of inflation, it will be located in 4.25% by the end of 2009. Monetary policy is undoubtedly under tension in Mexico, since the need to assist economic recovery in a context where inflation expectations are kept, it has to deal with Exchange rate depreciation that has caused him to lose a good proportion of international reserves. In the first quarter of the year, Banxico lost US $6.437 billion international reserves, mainly in its effort to support the value of the peso against the dollar. The continuity of the rate cut cycle generates pressures towards exchange-rate depreciation which oblige greater efforts by Banxico to sustain weight Mexican. In this context, yesterday, Mexico asked the IMF US $47,000 million to among other objectives, bolster the country’s international reserves to avoid speculative against exchange rate actions and restore confidence. The only announcement of the agreement came an appreciation of 2.09% of the Mexican peso, which stood at 13,92 units per dollar.

No doubt that the situation of the Mexican economy is more than a complex. And while the Government of Felipe Calderon has already launched several packages of measures, they don’t seem to generate an effect clear to stop the deterioration of the economy. As the center of economic studies of the private Sector (CEESP) are still observed major shortcomings in the implementation of countercyclical measures announced, in some cases, since last year, such as the construction of a new refinery of Petroleos Mexicanos (Pemex). The Government of Felipe Calderon must hurry and improve effectiveness in the implementation of the measures anti-crisis if you intend to stop the deterioration in the economy. The Mexican GDP growth projections are still correcting down. The World Bank predicted that it expects a contraction of Mexican GDP of 2% for this year. In Mexico, analysts are more pessimistic than the Bank itself. In the survey carried out the Banxico, surveyed analysts expressed expect a contraction of the Mexican economy of 3.3 percent for this year. The Mexican economy requires a more forceful action by the Calderon Government to arrest his fall. The Mexican Government is constantly working on new actions to stimulate economic activity with various initiatives. So for example, SMEs and the export sector are at the center of the new efforts to regain economic activity. Do they suffice the various countercyclical measures to avoid recession in the Mexican economy or we should expect positive signals from the United States?

Internet Daily Online

Finally good news for our boss, Vladimir Kokorev!: the Moscow Court has given reason in the lawsuit filed against the Internet Daily Online, belonging to the editorial group portal ZAO Business online by the case of defamatory and not contrasting information that spread about him. According to the judges, this portal will need to publicly deny the information that spread about deun Russian couple who allegedly stole 26 million dollars in the bank accounts of the President of Equatorial Guinea. The story arose from the Spanish press and spread by Russian media. At the trial, has become perfectly clear that the money was payment for the services of maritime transport which makes our company Kongo in that country. Our judges have ordered this news portal to publish a rectification, by specifying that the widespread news is vague, does not respond to the reality and is defamatory. Our Chief, Vladimir Kokorev, is a Spanish businessman of Russian origin. Licensed in Romance philology and a PhD in history is author or co-author of more than 10 books and 100 articles published in magazines and newspapers around the world on topics of international politics. To continue reading, click here. Original author and source of the article

Eurojuris Spain Article

Transcendence which in practice can have such a provision is clear: do you want to this say that if, as collateral for a debt, I get an endorsement of a company of which I am partner (or group of companies) and this is declared in competition, I will lose my endorsement? Will I lose it also if I am Managing Director (general representative) of a company that owed me several concepts that I are secured by bank guarantee? A restrictive reading of the text of article 97.2 would harm the creditor with aval particularly related with the debtor, since it would mean that in any case the judge of the competition without further formalities issue an order declaring extinguished the guarantee granted in his favor. Some authors have criticized that there is a propensity of judges in mercantile to such strict interpretations and argue that, as regards article 97.2, the judge must ponder the circumstances of the case before applying the drastic measure of extinguishing the endorsement. In this sense, cite Martin Aresti considerations: the breadth of situations covered by article 97.2 LC allows you to imagine cases in which its application will put just brake to fraudulent manoeuvres, particularly where the bankrupt is a legal person. Should be avoided, for example, the administrator who has granted loans to the society declared in competition circumvents the consequences which can cause the crisis facing the society about his personal wealth (and in this regard, of which, from their administrator status, is no stranger) demanding that the guarantors of the obligation of refund the fulfillment of the guarantee, thus regaining the credit which holds against the company apart from the competition. But the application of the rule to cases in which there is no appreciating this elusive spirit will lead also to, for example, professional guarantor is released against the partner of good faith who tried to avail themselves of the business by concluding an onerous warranty on the obligation of restitution of the loan granted to the company for this. Unfortunately, the current wording of the quoted article 97.2 not gives rise to one such ponderadora work of the judge, so there is a high risk that this without further annul the guarantee in question. Mariano Jimenez RenedoMariscal & Asociados, AbogadosMiembro of Eurojuris Spain original author and source of the article.


Greetings Sanchez, let me explain something, the first 3 steps 1 – establish the need of information 2 – specify research objectives and the needs of information 3 – determining sources of data are strictly information gathering is impossible to launch a product without the remaining steps, I explain in a simple way, then these 3 steps continue with the ND 4 th which is the compilation; observation, surveys and interviews to name the most common while there is a varied amount of tools that detallare them in future articles. Without this step (as VAS namely know to that segment or TARGET are going to launch launch the product) continue with the 5th design the sample; You need a clear definition on the population that is going to take the sample. If you do not realize this step does LANZARIAS the product to TODA LA population? IMPOSSIBLE is indispensable to this step (unless that is a product of first necessity as some basic basket con some excepciones let’s 6th collect data; The selection, training and control of the interviewers are essential in effective market research studies. These are the most expensive and which some company wants to ignore without knowing that these staff depends on a large percentage of the th product launch success continue with the 7th process data; imagine that data are not processed and we tabulemos and we codify randomly do you think that the result is reliable?, consumer becomes more intelligent and more adapted to technology already up to know of these advertising tricks that were previously unaware continue with the 8 th analyze data; remains indispensable because it is here where your. as marketer or Publisher analyze the pros and cons of this result and finally the 9th since you are going to ignore the present results; There is where explain in detail the steps you followed to get to the final conclusion. Only imagine that some accounts assign you launch or re-launch of a product through its lifecycle and don’t give them these details. I end with this friend Sanchez commenting you that almost 100% of the publicist not likes the marketing by the statistical calculations and analysis, but is one of my goals to create the culture that this tool targets have a higher chance of generating results 100% effective but that creative ability and dedication by which is known to the Publisher. There is something for which I have fought with my students and from what I see in Colombia is equal. (The research syndrome) this without wanting to sound clinical but according to the population of students with whom I have interacted suffer from that. You explain that your concern is for a job which you assigned your teacher wins prestigious (a), do not know the details of this evaluation all this you’ve tried transmit is a personal opinion which I defend, I respect my colleagues from the neighboring country strategies and you I confirm you write I am a marketer greetings, stay in contact original author and source of the article.

And Now Who Can Defend Us

AND NOW; WHO can defend ourselves by: Tania D. Felix Perez society today is part of an era full of differences. Which often arise from injustices, which as defined by some authors or philosophers are necessary for good organization. The political elite is part of the large corporations that dominate the world in general since they exist although it is represented differently in every place, peoples, countries, States, ranches, etc. all have one of their own. However most of these are written by people who had or has one of the most common terms of our times; capital, which can be defined as money, culture, force, influences etc. Those who lead us to the cherished power.

But why only they have opportunities to Excel?, Sera that are unique with their intelligence?, what makes us totally back us conformists?. Currently the society According to their opinions and acts is totally unhappy but at the same time, you can not prove it, since we are victims of the already so common favors chains linked by those who have the power; media, politicians, drug traffickers, etc already using fear as a main strategy speech l violence. I.e. you have, can and is the only one that is worth. The father gives you the post to their children and these who should be, leaving the interests General (of citizens) as a hook to what you personally want to get. We are always comparing ourselves with those who have more, forgetting those who every day suffer from working, eating or sleeping with dignity and who dream to have opportunity to attend school. Far reach?, where are the values?, will be arriving to become extinct? , When we will stop thinking in power, if most of us? It is acting according to their convenience?, and now who can defend us?. Original author and source of the article.


They may 2006 for these two countries will subscribe with Bolivia, eight cooperation agreements in various areas that would strengthen to the Bolivarian alternative for the Americas (ALBA), part of the agreements that have been negotiated were referred to cooperation in the field of health and education. They will also subscribe understandings, to develop joint projects, in charge of State-owned enterprises of hydrocarbons. In January 2007 in Caracas the integration in all directions between Venezuela and Cuba it was strengthened today by a group of agreements in the areas of transport, communications, finance, agriculture, mining, industry, tourism and energy, signed in the presence of President Hugo Chavez and the Vice-President of the Council of State of Cuba, Carlos Lage, among the documents are those that promote the creation of 12 joint ventures. The importance of the agreements signed by both countries emphasizes investments in the steel industry, and especially in the production of stainless steel, which currently Cuba imports and may not do so with the help of Cuban nickel, other documents have to do with the production of rice in Venezuela to export to Cuba and a credit to improve the rail networks of the Isla.Venezuela and Cuba signed in December 2007 14 cooperation agreements in strategic areasfour of the agreement correspond to the area energy, three are for the bilateral financing, while the remainder are for the mining, food production, local development and industrial projects, equally, the Constitution is agreed on three joint ventures: mortars Artemis S.A., cement Santiago S.A. and the bi-national society of integration Socialist, Cuvenpeq S.A, whose statutes are contained in another agreement. Energy agreements will allow the increase of the Santiago de Cuba refinery refining capacity, as well as the development of the manufacturing industries of petrochemistry in this city. They will also allow the expansion of the chemical and petrochemical industry in the localities of Ciego de avila, Nuevitas and large Sagua and of the petrochemical in the province of Cienfuegos.

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