Intellectual Capital Exercises

We see a possible example . NIC/NIIF Documents that will be generated Appearance of Reasonable value, that one that the market grants to him, the life utility of or analyzed or its replacement again TDV. – Test by deterioration of the value, calculating if the attributed value from an accounting point of view, is different from the reasonable value or market. That it happens if there are no reasonable criteria of market? is even applied the value that subjectively we understand that we must give him (value of use) Possible structure of the future Balance . The BAI (Benefit before Taxes) and Cuenta de Explotacin FINANCIAL VISION To establish the resulting financial vision of all the conducted operations, in synthesis to verify the image offered to third parties. Balance situation, precise and previsual to December Account of Operation, precise and previsual to December Comparative last three exercises of both previous documents Special observation of the Volumes of Business observed and its tendency as well as the one of the CMV (Cost Sold Merchandise) Evolution of the Expenses of Personnel, absolute and relativized to Sales OyA (Origin and Application of Bottoms) both enters last exercises and between first and last the present one. Analysis of the FM (Bottom of Maneuver) and the NOF (Operative Needs of Bottoms) Verification of negotiated indebtedness and its coincidence with CIRBE (*) banking.

Evolution of the financial expenses of the three exercises, in absolute form and regarding business. Analysis of the basic ratios of the three seen exercises, and their tendency. Treasury, PMC (period half collection), PMP (average period of payment), RS (rotation of stocks), ROI (Return on investment), Results BAI, etc. Analysis of quality of the assets, and its evolution Covers, reasonable Value Analysis of the Intellectual Capital and comparative report of its evolution Possession of data of direct competitors, and brief analysis of benchmarking Descriptive memory of significant facts Our report to the personnel It is our point of view, within the importance of the Communication, to practice the Descendent one, creating property pride and identification with the company at all the possible levels.


Jigsaw – one of the most popular tools, which is appreciated by professionals and DIY for his versatile. In this article I will tell you the features and talk about the Jigsaw main selection criteria. Jigsaw (Jigsaw electric saw) – Hand tool with an electric drive, which has small dimensions and light weight. Jigsaw is designed for longitudinal, transverse and Shape cutting of various sheet materials. Jigsaw can perform the following tasks: straight cuts virtually any material (wood, sheet metal, plastic, laminate, drywall, ceramic tile, etc.), the curvilinear cut any material to make round holes of various diameters and rectangular openings. Benefits of Jigsaw for most repairs, carpentry and other similar work at home do not need to drink a large capacity, this work perfectly cope electrofret, Jigsaw can make high-quality curly cut material, working with different kinds of materials; indispensable tool for carving; professionals say Jigsaw versatility and ease of use. Jigsaw are professional and household: The household models have less power, working resource and, often, a smaller set of additional features. Jigsaw everyday you can usually cut wooden parts of a thickness of 70 mm, steel – up to 2-4 mm.

Requirements for household tool is not so high as to professional, so many well-known brands make this instrument is not in Germany and Czechoslovakia, as in China or Poland. Recommended total time of use of household is about Jigsaws twenty hours per month. Of course, domestic models have a lower cost than professional. For the professional tool imposed higher requirements, because it must withstand a heavy load, have performance and to be as convenient for work.

Classification Of Welds

Butt joint is a weld of two elements located in the same plane and adjacent to one another end surface. It is most common in welded structures, because has several advantages over other types of connections. Symbols of butt joints: ci – C48. Lap-joint is a weld, which combines elements are arranged in parallel and overlap. Symbols: HI-H9. Mechanical connection – a compound in which the side surfaces of the elements adjacent to each other. Symbols in the standard yet.

Gusset lateral surface of one element is adjacent a corner scrap and welded onto the end face of another element. Typically, the angle between the elements of the line. Symbols T-joints: T1-T8. Depending on the types of welded joints distinguish butt and fillet welds. Seams of the first type operates in welding butt joints, the joints of the second kind – when welding angle, tee and nahlestoch-like compounds. The shape of the cross-section welds subdivided into standard, convex and concave.

On the number of layers of welded joints can be single-layered and layered. Layer – is part of the weld metal, which consists of one or more rollers located on the one level, the cross-sectional weld. Roller – a metal joint, weld, or remelted in a single pass. In accordance with gost 2601 – 84 basic parameters form a butt joint: e – width of joint, q – the convexity of the seam, m – weld concavity, h – depth of penetration (penetration), for fillet welds – the value of leg A '(Figure 1.11). Part of the weld, the most distant from his face, called the root of the weld.

Western Psychology

Stanislav Grof noted with much interest the recurring experiences of his patients, as the memory of past lives, feelings of union with the cosmos, the memories of reincarnation as animals and detailed knowledge of places had never been before. The man, since remote times has experienced the expansion of consciousness beyond the personal, experiencing a connection with another full and invisible, reality which has enabled it to Intuit the meaning of his existence. These intuitions correspond to the mystical revelations experienced by the ancient prophets, interpreted as voices or interior guides which subsequently were the source of the religions transpersonal psychology considers topics as: experiences summits (which according to the American psychologist Abraham Maslow (1908-1970) are States of interconnection and spiritual unification); Mystic experiences; systemic trances and metaphysical experiences of life. While several (depending on the psychological and spiritual concepts that integrate) are the paths that can be taken from this synthesis, the main objective of the transpersonal psychology would be that human beings transcend the sense of themselves, to achieve identified with a greater awareness. Transpersonal Psychology considers the psyche multidimencional. There are different levels of consciousness and each has different characteristics and is governed by different laws. Such as holding Stanislav Grof, the biggest problem of Western psychotherapy seems to be the fact of that, for various reasons, each researcher has primarily fixed his attention on a certain level of awareness and widespread his discoveries to the totality of the human psyche.

The origins of this current take shape at the end of the 1960s and that, despite having brilliant exponents such as Abraham Maslow, Stanislav Grof, Ken Wilber, and has been systematically ignored in the academic field of psychology. Not taught practically in any University despite being, probably, the most comprehensive psychological power of all. Of course that this is a debatable point and I propose this written as a contribution to the debate.

Bolivarian Republic

As you can see they are countries in the region of the Caribbean and even of Central America, with weak economies, large energy needs, where this partnership definitely favors them in their development. Important thing is to determine what are the fundamentals of the agreement, its scope, benefits. Taken into account, that the objective is significant for the countries involved, because this contributes to the transformation of the Latin American and Caribbean societies please, making them more fair, educated, participative, and supportive, so it is intended as a proposed comprehensive that it promotes the Elimination of social inequalities, promotes quality of life and effective participation of peoples in shaping its own destiny. Should be noted, that as stated and is public knowledge, gave way to a Treaty on energy security Petrocaribe, to ensure security and energy stability in the Caribbean, ten countries attending the Summit III in August 2007, signed the Petrocaribe energy security treaty, proposed by the President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Hugo Chavez. The signatory Nations were: Grenada, Belize, Cuba, Dominica, Haiti, Nicaragua, Saint Vincent and Grenadines, Jamaica, Suriname and Venezuela. This mechanism is intended to expand refining capacity and build or improve energy infrastructure in the region, for the dispatch, reception, transport, storage and distribution of hydrocarbons. Also, it seeks to develop policies and actions that each country allocate 10% of its capacity of sowing to the strictly necessary ethanol production, build liquefaction and regasification plants and enter the gas in its energy matrix.The Treaty also encourages the rational use of energy, in the search for maximum savings and efficiency, for which drives the development of petrochemical pole, the substitution of artifacts of high consumption of energy by more efficient equipment and the use of alternative energies such as wind, solar, geothermal, hydroelectric, among others.Member countries committed themselves to create and strengthen binational ventures and to negotiate directly between States to eliminate intermediaries.

Embrapa Research

The performances in partnership with Venezuela and Africa do not only benefit the partners. To these countries, whose industrial sector is incipient, it interests the purchase of machines and equipment produced in Brazil (NOTCIAS AGRCOLAS, 2010). The Embrapa Americas, installed in Panama in 2010, after agreement with the government of this country, acts in research and development, technological technology transfer and businesses in Panama and El Salvador. The Office of the Embrapa in Panama takes care of to the request of advising in the genetic improvement animal and improvements in the farming research to have quality of seeds better. The agreement encloses the execution of joint projects in agriculture, cattle, use of technology in small scale and natural resources to extend the base of knowledge for the sustainable development of agriculture. Panama offers to the Brazilian company conditions that allow to the establishment of lines of research for the production of energy derived from bifuels and the fortified food development (ADMINISTRATORS, 2010). Since 1998, by means of action of cooperation, the Embrapa, participates of advanced research in virtual laboratories in the United States.

These virtual laboratories today exist in three countries of the Europe and the Coreia of the south. Diverse researchers of the company participate of research of tip in these countries, promoting the knowledge interchange, in the prospection of emergent demands and the learning of new techniques (AGRICULTURAL NOTICE, 2010). By means of legal device the Embrapa, from March of 2011, the activities of the Company in the exterior had been corroborated by Law 12383. Then, the Company can exert, is of the domestic territory, any of the integrant activities of its social project. References YOU ARE SLOW.

Equipment Life

A landscape of field 2. A mountain landscape 3. A landscape of forest 4. A river that flows following its course Interprets your election the image than it hopes after the landing shows to your attitude and vital expectations to you. That is to say, the chosen scene reveals the optimism level that you have with respect to your life. 1. A field landscape If you chose first option, you are the eternal optimist.

It is probable that you have thought about a green and flowery meadow; that you have imagined the perfume of the flowers or you have even been glad when verifying that the grass was sufficiently high like cushioning your landing. With this attitude, the life appears amiable and nothing threatening, full of pleasant opportunities that will allow you to grow. 2. A mountain landscape If you imagined mountains, also can that you include steep rocks that, more likely, would make difficult your landing. Perhaps you have even thought that your parachute would fail.

It is important that you wonder yourself if you are able to see the positive side of each experience and to enjoy the moment. The pessimistic glances finish being like prophecies that are fulfilled. In the end, the steep landscape is made reality because, unconsciously, you put the conditions so that it is thus. 3. A forest landscape If the landscape to land were the forest, is that you accept your destiny with resignation. Perhaps the forest hides wild animal that can atacarte, but this does not suppose an impediment so that you outline a smile; you enjoy the present and you think that the world is funny, although are to your coast. 4. A river that flows following its course you are not especially optimistic, but either pessimistic. You have seen that a river waits for to you and what more it worries to you is how you can approach the landing. In the real life, you take the things as they come and you face the problems when they arise. In addition, you think that nobody knows the sufficient thing on the future like predicting if he will be good or bad. If to this position you add a little positive thought to him that it impels to you, you will feel better. We hope to have been able to contribute in something to the understanding of your position against the life.

Systems Time

Being thus, Administrator of today needs requirements as capacity of work in team, aiming at common good of organization and of who in it works, ability to learn on things not directly on to its branch of performance, dynamism, interaction with people, that is the source of production and growth of a company, opening for new ideas and innovations that can appear, amongst other important factors, as attention each bigger time for Tendncias and Megatendncias (Naisbitt, 1990) that they are arising in the market and they can changed itself into a competitive advantage for its company. Some changes of paradigms can be observed summarized in the picture below, of Idalberto Chiavenato: The Three Ages of the Administration of Century XX Were Classic 1900? 1950. Beginning of Industrialization. Stability. Little change. Previsibilidade. Regularity and certainty. Scientific administration.

Classic theory. Relations Human beings. Theory of the Bureaucracy Was Neoclssica 1950? 1990. Industrial development. Increase of the change. End of the previsibility. Necessity of innovation. Neoclssica theory.

Estruturalista theory. Mannering theory. Theory of Systems. Theory of the Contingency Was of Information After 1990. Technology of the Information. Globalization. Emphasis in the services. Acceleration of the change. Imprevisibilidade. Instability and uncertainty Emphasis in: Productivity Quality Competitiveness Customer Globalization Picture 1? The three Ages of the Administration of Century XX. Chiavenato, I. (2.000) In current Brazil can be affirmed that we are living the Age of the Information, that if it more launches in our daily each time ' ' furiosa' '. It has a constant concern on the part of the companies in relation to the productivity, that is, it is necessary that if it takes care of to more demanding customers each time, and that they always want more at any time; these same customers desire to quality in the products and offered services, thus it increases the competitiveness between the companies, a time that the customer starts to be ' ' center of atenes' ' , and the funny competition around it forever to please it and to conquer its confidence.

Manuel Zelaya

The Government of Spain port has coordinated a comprehensive device security in conjunction with troops of other neighbouring countries of the community of the Caribbean like the Bahamas, Jamaica, Barbados, Belize, Guyana and Suriname.The device includes in addition to the restriction of traffic, monitoring in hazardous areas, cameras from the Piarco international airport to the venue of the Summit, a red security zone around the area and restricted access to strictly accredited personnel. As already noted, the most striking point of this international event will be the participation of the President of the United States, Barack Obama, who will have his first great contact with the entire region, which expects his Government to pass the page of turbulent relations that marked the administration of George w. Bush in this appointment. There are many expectations of what will be the position, the actions of Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez, who already attended the last two continental meetings and never has this in accordance with their results, already on opinions given at the recently concluded Summit held recently in Cumana, Venezuela, Alba points out that this is probably the last Summit that no benefit at all to the countries of this continent. We are reminded, in the of Mar del Plata, almost four years ago, they were also the Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva and his counterparts from Colombia, alvaro Uribe; El Salvador, Elias Antonio Saca; Guyana, Bharrat Jagdeo; Dominican Republic, Leonel Fernandez; Suriname, Ronald Venetiaan, and Uruguay, Tabare Vazquez. For Saca port Spain Summit will be one of the last international commitments, since it will deliver the next Presidenciael 1 June to the President-elect of El Salvador, Mauricio Funes, who also will be in Trinidad and Tobago. Indicates, that repeated several rulers of the islands of the Caribbean, including the current host, the first Trinidadian Minister, Patrick Manning. It notes, however, which America Continental, the encounter will be a novelty for the Prime Minister of Canada, Stephen Harper, and the Presidents of Mexico, Felipe Calderon; Guatemala, Alvaro Colom; Honduras, Manuel Zelaya; Nicaragua, Daniel Ortega, and Costa Rica, Oscar Arias.


But what in this in case that is unfruitful attitude It is only one weak attitude. By the critical one seted States they can be jammed. The canalization of a river enxerto of a tree the education of a person the transformation of a State These is examples of critical fruitful. is also Examples of arte.’ ‘ (Bertolt Brecht) Legal-size difficult this of professor. Difficult craft To teach what? To who? who exactly wants to learn nowadays? To also write is difficult.

He is hard to be writer in a Country as Brazil To write what? On what? To publish as and where? who goes to read? To write on difficult times, for the few that still read. these few, in its great majority, are exactly those that live in these difficult times It exactly wanted to write for the diligent old astuteness, that takes to the professor its to know. It wanted to write on the pack of it, that it is weighed excessively. But it does not have time to read. That it must have time to accept and to read the pamphlets well that contain knowing. But it refuses them She will be that it knows to read? if knows, understands? Says it me, worried about tomorrow: – First the bread, later the education, my son! I also remembered a citizen, a small worker friend mine, that very likes to read. It called me one day these to ask for something different them to me books, that always I loan to it. He asked for so that he helped to pay its accounts it of water and light, therefore the little that is earning alone of the same one to buy the bread.

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