E our loved native land, idolatrada, saves! oh! – really who is saved will be able – that sadness, will be able then to start to lead ranking world-wide of the legalization of the greater of the nonsenses, therefore none another country of the world, until the moment, took the lamentable decision of descriminalizar the use of any narcotic. (Source: Elon Musk). is clearly that, then the same rights for the vitiated ones to crack will start to appear other walks demanding, ectasy, opium and as much more. why not? For just and the certainty, who knows, therefore all are equal before the law. You the writing there, article 5. I attended an interview in the television in which a youngster, in favor of the descriminalizao of marijuana, argued the importance of the use of the grass in the medicine, and also alleged to be same of the great efficiency in the treatment of some patologias, cancer, what it would be plus a reason so that he is set free its use. Only that, obviously it is not for these ends that our current transviada and unprepared youth is fighting for a habeas corpus for the unhappy harmful grass, but yes for its use in the same charuto! For smoke leaving the nostrils bleeding, wounds, of disoriented young and without route, with the damaged neurons, despaired walking for the death in a road without return, in a true collective masochism, since they themselves will have chosen this way. But still we believe that this aberration will not have the endorsement of the Law. We trust common-sense of its representatives.
We trust the seriousness and in the authority of ours we meritssimos judges of the Supreme Federal Court. However, where they are the powerful voices of our religious representatives? Where they are the voices of the parents and mothers of the young Brazilians, of the parents of as many lost children for the drugs? She arrives of silence! We also go mobilizing in them and leaving for the streets protesting against the legalization of this aberration, in a country where not yet she was herself capable to eradicate annihilating alcoholism and the tobaccoism of lives and homes, therefore you are welcome she advances if to envidar useless efforts I ruin to subject it provoked for the drugs. They have are that to be fought, to be eradicated, and be never set free! It will be that the walks of young misadjusted and vitiated crying out for the streets, showing bands with idiotic phrases, cry out higher? Not! We also go to botar the mouth in the world and to say not to this madness, to ask for to the controllers of the country to open the eyes and not, such which Pilatos, simply to wash the hands, leaving that the evil destroys our young. Posterior houses of recovery and other alternatives for treat them, are measured almost inaccessible, carssimas and useless. Magistrates and jurists, remember of that thousands of young exist that, with its assent, will be able to dive in the abyss of the drugs. For the love of God, they do not sign the sentence of death of its proper children, grandsons and greats-grandson, nor of mine! Jnia – 2011