Teacher: ngela Maria Gomes Alba Denise Campolina Carla Rosele de Almeida Saints Cora Carolina of the Coast Munt Emerson Moniz Barretto de Menezes Fernanda de Mayan Souza Herbet Fontoura de Castro Lara Cotta Amaral Lvia Fortunato de Castro Lvia Peres Sheep of Mendona Luis Philip Blacksmith Fagundes Nathlia Luiza Fonseca Ricardo Adalberto de Carvalho Talita Marielle Da Silva Rock Vincius Tadeu Silva de Almeida 1. INTRODUCTION the growth of the cities throughout history demonstrates, in the generality, two well contrastantes realities: of a side it is the city properly planned, drawn to take care of the necessities of the population; of the other side if it finds a great parcel of the population that lives without the minimum conditions of habitability. It is accurately this what it is seen in the city of Belo Horizonte, in Minas Gerais, a city characterized for the great amount of observed contrasts. This work looks for to present the development of a study of case of the Basin of the call ' ' Stream of the Cercadinho' ' , place where it is possible to identify this new configuration of use and occupation inside of the cities. All this study is resultant of a work of field carried through for the pupils of the course of after graduation in Management Ambiental and Geoprocessamento of the University Center of Belo Horizonte UNI-BH, under orientation of the ngela teacher Gomes, being the exit of field carried through in day 19 of March of 2011.
The importance of this work consists of the survey and the half characterization of the bitico, partner-economic abitico and of the basin, being distinguished the natural potentialities of the area, the impacts caused for the urbanization process and the ambient risks that this area can bring, as much for the region how much for the local population. Of this form, the central question of this work is to raise some questionings concerning the use and occupation of the study area, in order to understand, from the historical process of occupation, excellent aspects of its reality. It fits to stand out despite the study area is characterized as Area of Permanent preservation (APP), being, however, some aspects of its occupation stimulated by the real estate market, disrespecting the ambient legislation. This process is perceived throughout the course of the stream since the sum until downstream, with raised levels of intervention more in the fertile valley area of the same.