They may 2006 for these two countries will subscribe with Bolivia, eight cooperation agreements in various areas that would strengthen to the Bolivarian alternative for the Americas (ALBA), part of the agreements that have been negotiated were referred to cooperation in the field of health and education. They will also subscribe understandings, to develop joint projects, in charge of State-owned enterprises of hydrocarbons. In January 2007 in Caracas the integration in all directions between Venezuela and Cuba it was strengthened today by a group of agreements in the areas of transport, communications, finance, agriculture, mining, industry, tourism and energy, signed in the presence of President Hugo Chavez and the Vice-President of the Council of State of Cuba, Carlos Lage, among the documents are those that promote the creation of 12 joint ventures. The importance of the agreements signed by both countries emphasizes investments in the steel industry, and especially in the production of stainless steel, which currently Cuba imports and may not do so with the help of Cuban nickel, other documents have to do with the production of rice in Venezuela to export to Cuba and a credit to improve the rail networks of the Isla.Venezuela and Cuba signed in December 2007 14 cooperation agreements in strategic areasfour of the agreement correspond to the area energy, three are for the bilateral financing, while the remainder are for the mining, food production, local development and industrial projects, equally, the Constitution is agreed on three joint ventures: mortars Artemis S.A., cement Santiago S.A. and the bi-national society of integration Socialist, Cuvenpeq S.A, whose statutes are contained in another agreement. Energy agreements will allow the increase of the Santiago de Cuba refinery refining capacity, as well as the development of the manufacturing industries of petrochemistry in this city. They will also allow the expansion of the chemical and petrochemical industry in the localities of Ciego de avila, Nuevitas and large Sagua and of the petrochemical in the province of Cienfuegos.