At the crisis moment until it is good, it produces alvios. oCria, however, dependence, apegos. We start to need it to act and to validate ours action. It has people that they only search security in the external support. They are unaware of or they do not believe its proper force. They need something external: of a dogma, of a religious cult, an image or a promise to validate its force interior. When thus acting, we limit our growth as person, therefore we are always to the wait of that the external world fills our emptiness, our lacks and necessities, at last, that in it gives the validation to them of our existence.
Care! When considering the exterior world as the only manager of our lives, us we will follow its truths blindly, its orientaes and this will create a full way of life of dependence and unreliability. We leave to walk with our proper legs to be manipulated for it. It enters some types of external support, are distinguished of approval and of support/the aid. Of approval: People exist who if feel incapable to take decisions. They are always in search of opinions of third. They have fear to make a mistake. They prefer to believe the truths of the others to believe its. These people forget that proper they are that they will pay for the committed errors.
Of support/the aid: The people who only search support in the exterior world, become attached it any thing alliviates that them of situations that produce it torments and disequilibria. They do not believe its interior force. People thus, generally, present a structuralized existential logic in a speech of victim and coitadinho. Instead of surpassing its conflicts, they submit it, making use of dogmticas explanations and medicamentosos treatments. INTERNAL SUPPORT: The internal support has as characteristic: to oBuscar answers through the reflection.