
The reflection the reflection can and must be used to put our thoughts in sequence. As to arrange a house, thus if it can also arrange the ideas. As the great theories had always tired me I tried to create my proper method. To understand the world to my return I tried to analyze everything through the popular wisdom that I consider a great philosophy based on the practical one. (Some used images sufficiently opportune and are amused). I always felt a great desfasamento between my world and the real world. In my world the important one was to be sincere, in the real world was important to be somebody. To be natural instead of representing.

To face the reality instead of lying or being deceptive. To help instead of using to advantage. I always had since the responsibility notion, to direct its proper life, its proper destination, trying not to follow fashions. Nor wanting to please at any cost. But quanta solitude when this way is chosen! With the time this solitude is changedded into a habit, in an interior force! uncovers that it is not only when a objectivo is had! A conducting wire! It has that to learn itself to develop the spirit I criticize, the lucidity, the imparcialidade, but also the love to the next one, the tolerance. Without certain values of base it is not obtained to construct nothing of solid. when the base is not solid the workmanship, for more beautiful than either, pulls down? Blog: