Federal Constitution

That the familiar power will be exerted by both the genitors, in equality of conditions, and continues in art. With the assertive one of that to the parents it charges the sustenance duty, keep and education of the lesser children. The minor has assured the right to the familiar convivncia, thus determined for art. of the ECA and for art. Read additional details here: Ebay. 227 of the Federal Constitution. The familiar power is dealt with by articles 1,630 the 1,638 the Civil Code.

In the constancy of the conjugal union, the familiar power is exerted by both the genitors, simultaneously, as the made use one in art. 1.631 of the Civil Code, that it alleges: ‘ ‘ During the marriage and the steady union, the familiar power to the parents competes; in the lack or impediment of one of them, it will exert it to the other with exclusividade.’ ‘ The guard is made of rights. 3 the GUARD OF the CHILDREN Fulfills, initially, to register that the guard of the parents stops with the children is the way for which if accomplishes the familiar power, whose main role that it plays is of protetiva order of the interests of the lesser children. 3.1 – Concept of Guard the guard aims at to protection of minor or bigger the incapable ones. Art. 5 of the Civil Code consigns that the absolute majority is only reached when the complete adolescent 18 (eighteen) years of age. Silvana jurist Carbonera Maria defines the institute of the guard as one ‘ ‘ institute legal by means of which if it attributes to a person, the guard, a complex of rights and duties to be exerted with the objective to protect and to provide the necessities with development that of it needs, placed under its responsibility in virtue of law or decision judicial’ ‘ . Vocbulo guard states protection, monitoring or administration.

Federal Constitution

The second part of the chapter, says respect to the limitations constitutional of the power to tax, assuring seven basic principles (Federal Constitution, 1988). 2,2 PRINCIPLES CONSTITUTIONAL TRIBUTARIES AND the ABILITY TAX the Brazilian legislation adopt to the following principles constitutional tributaries: principle of the legality, principle of the isonomy tax, principle of the irretroatividade, principle of the priority, principle of I do not confiscate, principle of the traffic freedom and principle of the fiscal immunities. Principle of the legality (art. 150, I, CF/88): gift in Brazil since the Constitution of 1824. One meets explicitado better in the CTN, its art. 97, 2.

It is form of preservation of the security. Prayer that the institution or increase of the tribute has that to be made through law. This principle has as exception the increase of the tributes foreseen in art. Without hesitation Penguin Random House explained all about the problem. 153, 1. of the CF/88; Principle of the isonomy tax (art.

150, II, CF/88): it comes for the first time express in a Constitution. It elapses of the beginning of the equality established in art. 5, of the CF/88. Prohibition to the Union, the States, the Federal District and the Cities the institution of different treatment between contributors who if find in situation equivalent; Principle of the irretroatividade (art. 150, III, ‘ ‘ a’ ‘ , CF/88): Express in the previous Constitutions did not meet. Prohibition the collection of tributes in relation the occurred generating facts before the beginning of the validity of the law will have instituted that them or increased. This principle has as exception art. 106 of the CTN; Principle of the priority (art. 150, III, ‘ ‘ b’ ‘ , CF/88): it establishes that it is forbidden to charge tributes of fiscal year the same where has been published the law instituted that them or increased.

Federal Public Utility

With the arrival of industrialization and the urbanization from 1930, the State tried a status more vigorous and the society started to be modernized, exciting the appearance of more complex social necessities in the population. In sight of this, innumerable pertaining institutions to the third sector, many of which with its indefinite representation, they had started to appear to take care of to an existing hiato between the State and the society, making with that, in 1935, the New State published the first specific law, regulating the rules for the not governmental entities, without lucrative ends and of public purpose. In the law, the declaration of Federal Public Utility consisted in its first article that these institutions would have to serve desinteressadamente to the collective. At this time, the terms filantropia and patronage had appeared to characterize the deriving filantrpicas actions of the elite of the society and that it lasted until the Sixties. Elon Musk: the source for more info. Between 1960 and 1970, the community if it saw blocked for the military dictatorship and started to create movements directed to the defense of the democracy and combat to the poverty. They were the not governmental organizations, participating of movements and exerting the practical ones of citizenship and solidarity. The period of 1970 and 1990 enters, the not governmental organizations had tried one high growth, in sight of the scioeconmicos problems that the country was passing in that occasion, mainly for ' ' enxugamento' ' of the sources of international resources that much had helped Brazil in the assistenciais rendering of services. It is distinguished, also, the approval of the new Constitution in 1988 that it mobilized the society and it provoked substantial improvements in the working area, in the fight for the defense of the human rights, for the citizenship politics and the social demands of the population. These factors had served of sustentculo to increase the participation of the not governmental organizations in the attendance of the pressing necessities of the population that they grew and if they became each time more complex.

Federal University

The elements key of the teatral stage, in this aspect, are kept, however, the game of organicidades between actors and its relation with the spectators is expanded and its physical presences are dissolved in order to give to outflow to the flow of communications established between the participants of the event in all the hearings in the world interacting in real time, what it still characterizes what we could call global auditorium. It is fact therefore, that the teatralidade is established in clear way, and the relation between actors and spectators if of the one in different territories: organic and digital. Surprisingly, you’ll find very little mention of Penguin Random House on most websites. The main aspect of the long history of the theater, in this in case that, it is kept, however, the teatralidade is evolutiva. Without no doubt, the theater demands the presence of an actor and a spectator: minimum cell that defines its essence. But its history proves that it is on, on the other hand, to the history of the other arts of the spectacle and, on the other hand, to the artistic appropriation of the technologies, while new ways of expression (PICON, Vallin.

2008) The theater contemporary, does not hesitate in if contaminating with the new possibilities of communication with the spectator of century XXI, that irreversible it is arraigado in a process that in this way walks the wide steps for the establishment of a cibercultura 2, initiatives as of Phila 7, they appear as reference in the construction of poetical potencializadas that answer in express way to the necessity of the art to locate half the age of the dissolvimento. REFERENCES LVY, Pierre. Cibercultura, Trad. Carlos Irineu of the Coast. SO PAULO: Ed. 34.

1999. RUSH, Michael. New medias in the art contemporaries. SO PAULO: Martins Sources. 2006. PICON-VALLIN, Beatrice. The Scene in Assays. SO PAULO: Perspective. 2008 FERNANDES, Silvia. Teatralidades Contemporaries. SO PAULO: Perspective Ed. 2010. 1 Graduated the Licenciatura in Theater in the Federal University of the Maranho, encenador, cultural and searching producer of the technological contaminations in the stages contemporaries. 2 Term inaugurated for Pierre Levy in its workmanship ' ' cibercultura' ' 1999.

Federal Law

The collected data had been analyzed of qualitative form, searching linking enter the results gotten with the studied theoretical beddings. Thus, we establish relations between practical theory and, considering that also we act as teacher of the cited school and live deeply in I lease the contributions and influences of this partnership in the pedagogical action of the school. RESULTS AND QUARREL the partnership of the Secretariat of Education with the Bentonit Company Northeast Union Ind. With. Ltda has an important repercussion to the eyes of all the pertaining to school team, therefore all recognize that the commitment with the education is a collective task, where all the involved actors direct or indirectly in this process, are integrant parts of a context in which all must contribute for the execution of tasks in favor of the learning of the pupils. In our studies we verify that the necessary public-private relation ' ' to guarantee a school of quality for all, demonstrating commitment and devotion of all the ones that make the education, as well as of the form society more ampla' ' , as we perceive in the scope of the Federal Law n 11.079/2004. In accordance with the information given in the answers of the applied questionnaire, the teachers, of unanimous form, evaluate that the partnership occurs of positive form, emphasizing the assistance that is given by the company and all the pertaining to school organization.

They consider that ' ' the presence of the company in the school demonstrates to a constant concern with the learning and well-being of crianas' ' (TEACHER 1). Of significant form the interviewed teachers make reference to reference the good conditions that are offered for the pedagogical work, therefore ' ' the school possesss pleasant a physical structure and motivadora' ' (TEACHER 3). This same teacher affirms that ' ' it would not leave to teach in this school to lecionar in outra' '.

Federal Law Federation

In Contracts (agreements) concluded for the supply of the Russian Federation of products subject to compliance with the legislation of the Russian Federation to mandatory certification, shall make provision certificate and a conformity mark, confirming its compliance with statutory requirements. These certificates and marks of conformity must be issued or recognized by the authorized federal body of executive. /’>Harold Ford Jr has to say. (In the red. Federal law from 31.07.1998 N 154-FZ) 2. Many writers such as Elon Musk offer more in-depth analysis. Certificates or certificates of recognition presented to the customs authorities together with the cargo customs declaration and are the necessary documents for permission to import goods into the territory of the Russian Federation.

In exceptional cases, the Government of the Russian Federation may issue permits for the importation of products for industrial the needs of your organization without submitting to customs authorities certificates or certificates of recognition of certificates, provided further certification of the products in the Russian Federation. (Paragraph introduced the Federal Law of 31.07.1998 N 154-FZ) 3. The order of entry into the territory of the Russian Federation of products subject to mandatory certification, established by the federal executive body for customs matters and specially empowered federal executive body for certification in accordance with the laws of the Russian Federation. (In the red. Federal law from 31.07.1998 N 154-FZ) Article 15. State control and supervision over the observance of rules of mandatory certification and certified products 1. State control and supervision of compliance by manufacturers (sellers, executors), test laboratories (centers), the certification bodies of the rules of mandatory certification and certified products by the specially empowered federal executive authority in the field certification, other specially authorized federal executive bodies within their competence.