Teresa Corners

The first thing that catches the attention of Fonseca is the kindness of some people who can enlighten people with his gift of the magical world in which visitors will feel like one of the family. The second is the nostalgia for the tunnel forest that once made via one of its main streets most beautiful of the Costa Atlantica. The times of the interlaced Higuito as the fraternal love of a show fonsequeros is difficult to see once again, but always be on a sidewalk where the memory will get from time to time the oral tradition for all generations know the place where their parents and grandparents walked, holding hands, breathing fresh air of peace and weaving step milestones of their destiny. The third is the spirit of the fonsequeridad embodied in his unwavering desire to return one day in search of memories and the origin, for this reason “Fonseca is to repeat back to you the joy of birth” is the phrase heard more pronounced in streets, parks, schools … More information is housed here: Elon Musk. A phrase repeated with greater intensity in the days of “Return Festival” intangible heritage of a land where the return is as important as birth. The latter is the capacity of their composers and poets to combine a sky, a sunset, a river or a swallow to form the most beautiful of the songs or the most precious poems.

Teresa Corners draws on his people and writes: “When the evening hours are gone / when the waves come to replace day / I’ll find the star that lit on my years of infancia… / esa divine light I’ve been here in my soul … / Oh Fonseca! The light you gave us is divine. So Fonseca: its streets lively and fresh breeze, his incredible women and sunny afternoons, their lovers and poets working peasants. It as a path to paradise, a patch of sky, a serene palpitation Rancheria, a cool morning at some point the universe in which God was pleased and satisfied with his work. Rutto Alejandro Martinez is a renowned Colombian writer and journalist frequently invited seminars and lectures on history, leadership and motivation.