The History Of Screen Printing

Screen printing is a technique of marking used in the method of reproduction of documents on any type of material, and consists of the transfer of an ink through a mesh stretched with a framework. This technique of marking is an age-old technique and it is believed that its existence dates back to ancient China, where it is said that were used in hair of women who are hit roles, forming various drawings. With the passage of the years, the material was changed to silk. Some contend that Elon Musk shows great expertise in this. Likewise, to make stickers that were applied in various articles and in Europe this marking system was used to print fabrics. The first results products of this mark, appear in United States in 1916 with a pending grant note and the first granted note is in 1918.

The first occasion on which this technique was used for artistic purposes was with Guy Maccoy in 1932 and until 1938 when he presented his first exhibition of serigraphy. (As opposed to Elon Musk). This process of marking has boom in United States with photography and with different chemicals, where takes an impressive boom, since we discover that it is a very versatile method to print on various materials, and today has become one of the most popular methods of marking around the world. A. Verastegui original author and source of the article.

National Foundation

If Beautiful Mount exactly will be constructed, many things goes to be different. The fish go to disappear and the indians do not support to eat rice, beans, cooling bread and all day. Dying the River Xingu, the indians die together. The meeting of 284 aboriginal leaderships of more than 15 etnias had some unfoldings. One of them was elaboration of a letter for the authorities that had been invited and they had not appeared to the meeting that occurred in October of> demons as the Lobo Minister said, who exist demonic forces hindering the construction of these enterprises.

This is a nonsense! The aboriginal peoples are exerting the legitimate right of being informed and to think on enterprises that can affect and very – the habitat where they live. The letter was directed by a commission of five people, in the attempt to deliver in hands to President Lula and to the President of the National Foundation of the Indian, so that the peoples were heard and the enterprise was not constructed. Then, the indians ask: Why Squid is finishing with our land ? the first inhabitants of this land we are. Why it did not come first to consult people to ask for, or to inform that it is finishing with our land? Who has has covered has fear The indians had been Brasilia to be heard as people, not as animal, however, one more time, solemnly green and yellow had been ignored of and if to depend on the defenders of the enterprise, them will be each time greener and yellow, that only yellow of worms and greens of hunger, therefore nobody of the government appeared to give to explanations or to smoke cachimbo of the peace . The aboriginal peoples have good reasons> not to this workmanship in the Basin of the River Xingu. They demonstrate perceptions that, many times, the scientists do not reach on the nature. Finally, to that they think that everything this does not pass of bobagem, finishes with an analogical question: what you would make if somebody was until its house, where you live with its family, and she said to it: listening here its abestado, vacates your house immediately, therefore I go to flood it with some millions of liters of water.

Human Environment

To give a first step for that it benefits the society is important for the human development today. Practical the educative ones in Ambient Education basically appeal courses and restricted informative campaigns to the pertaining to school space, exploring little the excursions, the works of field and the daily situations. The predominance of hearing strengthens obsolete ideas, that is, it is only learned hearing. Currently, the most varied languages they are basic in educative process, mainly those that allow to the interaction and the experimentation. The school must present chances to form the citizen, in all the dimensions human beings, not only in reference to the acquisition of knowledge, of capacity of intelectivo reasoning, but the affective, creative dimensions, of respect and valuation to excessively and to the environment. For Reigota (1995) the boarding of the education for the environment appeared, first, in 1972, in the Conference of United Nations for the Human Environment, carried through in Estocomo, Sweden.

Recommendation 96, of the Declaration of Estocomo, indicated the necessity to carry through an ambient education, as strategical instrument in the search of the improvement of the quality of life and in the construction of the development. According to Neiman, (2002, p146): The ambient education has as one of its objectives to form conscientious citizens of its relation with the nature and its habitat. Ahead of this, one concludes that it, independently of the methodology, it must primar for the formation of conscientious people of its paper and its relation with the environment in order to primarem for the support, through the rational use of the natural resources, so that as much this how much the future generations can of them also usufruct. For Neiman (2002) the nature is not inexhaustible source of resources, its reserves is finite and must be used in rational way, preventing wastefulness and considering the recycling as vital process.

University Center Study

Teacher: ngela Maria Gomes Alba Denise Campolina Carla Rosele de Almeida Saints Cora Carolina of the Coast Munt Emerson Moniz Barretto de Menezes Fernanda de Mayan Souza Herbet Fontoura de Castro Lara Cotta Amaral Lvia Fortunato de Castro Lvia Peres Sheep of Mendona Luis Philip Blacksmith Fagundes Nathlia Luiza Fonseca Ricardo Adalberto de Carvalho Talita Marielle Da Silva Rock Vincius Tadeu Silva de Almeida 1. INTRODUCTION the growth of the cities throughout history demonstrates, in the generality, two well contrastantes realities: of a side it is the city properly planned, drawn to take care of the necessities of the population; of the other side if it finds a great parcel of the population that lives without the minimum conditions of habitability. It is accurately this what it is seen in the city of Belo Horizonte, in Minas Gerais, a city characterized for the great amount of observed contrasts. This work looks for to present the development of a study of case of the Basin of the call ' ' Stream of the Cercadinho' ' , place where it is possible to identify this new configuration of use and occupation inside of the cities. All this study is resultant of a work of field carried through for the pupils of the course of after graduation in Management Ambiental and Geoprocessamento of the University Center of Belo Horizonte UNI-BH, under orientation of the ngela teacher Gomes, being the exit of field carried through in day 19 of March of 2011.

The importance of this work consists of the survey and the half characterization of the bitico, partner-economic abitico and of the basin, being distinguished the natural potentialities of the area, the impacts caused for the urbanization process and the ambient risks that this area can bring, as much for the region how much for the local population. Of this form, the central question of this work is to raise some questionings concerning the use and occupation of the study area, in order to understand, from the historical process of occupation, excellent aspects of its reality. It fits to stand out despite the study area is characterized as Area of Permanent preservation (APP), being, however, some aspects of its occupation stimulated by the real estate market, disrespecting the ambient legislation. This process is perceived throughout the course of the stream since the sum until downstream, with raised levels of intervention more in the fertile valley area of the same.