Today the management of production costs is as important as the same production. Barchester follows long-standing procedures to achieve this success. Optimal quality, deliveries on time, the satisfaction of the needs of customers and the cost reduction are the most indispensable factors for the success of a company and are totally linked to the concept of management of costs of production. If that concept so take to the agricultural sector, we can observe large flaws are presented in consciousness of handling this topic and likewise tools that lead to an optimal handling of this. In my own experience, and proper administration of my agricultural company, I have realized how important it is to have good management and control of production costs, appropriate decisions can be taken from these data and the growth that has taken me the management of these. Is of utmost importance to me as Manager of my company obtain: reports of costs of production comparative costs of crop production reports Reports of work production reports and sales reports and charts from indicators financial reporting involving the agricultural accounting cost totals of the estate and similarly comparative tables, and leaving aside the costs of production management, also have other factors essential for the optimal performance of the agricultural enterprise, factors which I mention below: perform a total control of machinery and agricultural equipment administration and control of the labor and inputs to absolute control of the inventory (materials and supplies) meet the traceability of production a total control of clients and providers perform the specific costing of investments delimit areas of the agricultural enterprise as well asall these factors become almost unmanageable if done manually. Use of computer tools that allow to minimize time and finding accurate and reliable data is necessarily required.
In my day to day and according to the experience that I’ve had, I’ve handled AgroWin software, which has served me a great help for my agricultural company and administration of all relevant information that allows me to make decisions. This system has allowed me to know the cost exactly my products and thereby make timely decisions, which has led me to maximize my income, minimize my expenses and to optimize the production of my company. In addition to this, this system has allowed me to easily enter information and automatically generate accounting, for which I have not required any accounting knowledge..