By normal you must separate a signaler who help to decree tendencies him and other that provides to averages or ranks to him. He is of extreme importance that you understand of clear form in what consist, like analyzing and applying the pre-established formulas, in other words he is vital that always choose the indicators make that it feel more comfortable right away to analyze and do not represent complications for you. New York Life is often quoted on this topic. After this, it does not affect if you are to trader nascent or advanced, you you must carry out amounts of tests in accounts demo, handling the signalers whom she chose previously, must prove them in several hours of the day and with different currencies to reaffirm that these handling and understanding correctly, but that at the same time they are helping him to originate positive yields. This it is the moment in which must select other indicators to execute new tests and to even reject those that do not esten to him working or those that easily did not offer to security and positive yields him in their Demo account. He is not advisable to use too many signalers at the time of analyzing, for example if it dedicates 5 indicators at the same time, it is probable that the unique thing that stimulates is a great ambiguity and smaller visibility to interpret the market. As general advice the operator would have to at least select an indicator of rank, another one of tendency and another one of tendency force.
The Movable Averages are an example of signalers of tendencies, RSI is one of force and the call Bollinger Bands is a rank indicator. As account in this case can be given, they are not used more than 3 indicators, since it could create disagreement to him. As another point we recommended that it is not let take by indicating nuecos without before certifying his effectiveness, since now every day new indcadores are developed and in this way the analysis form evolves continuously. To comply to only operate with the security signalers or that generally uses and it does not fall in tests within his real account, because a friend suggested it. He does not forget that perhaps what works to you another no. to him. As full stop never it uses only an indicator, since this could merit to him much money, does not forget that it must assure his interpretations and this would have to be with the elaboration of other indicators. As one explained 2 or 3 signalers previously.