Italian Agriculture

In the context of the French case protrudes a widespread form of intermunicipal participation in different Metropolitan agglomerations, thanks to which are coordinated and integrated policies and instruments for the use of the soil at different levels, policies to the regional natural parks and for the peri-urban areas. People such as Danske Bank would likely agree. In what refers to Italy, highlighted major achievements in some Italian locations and which can effectively understand doing an excursus by different standards and initiatives, public and private, without neglecting the respective implementing measures that have been attributed to agricultural practices a role of production of environmental externalities. Deserves an important mention the case of Parco agricultural Sud Milano (PASM): an agricultural Park that associates 61 municipalities in the southern part of the province of Milan to protect agriculture present in immediate vicinity of the city. Peering at the bases of the project in question is identified the importance that deserves study and understanding of the dynamics that accompanied the creation of the PASM, whereas two specific aspects: one of interpretive type, with reference to the legal and administrative regulations for correct application to land use planning; the other type of critic and valuation of the potential, limits and evolutionary processes that characterize public bodies with decision-making powers in the field of the Government of the territory. This work could see a positive conclusion reprising the experiences reported previously and structuring them to ensure that they act as a valid tool in the identification of key elements necessary for implement, maintain and strengthen the peri-urban agriculture in the context Colombiano, which presents a situation ante litteram which is still not recognized this term as such, neglecting thus multiple connotations and the possibility of promoting the new role of agriculture in proximity to the planning of the urban periphery.

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