Sometimes we blame everything that happens to our around, with our children, friends, couple, work. Actually it is not blame, but understand the mistakes and learn from them.The only way to change the course of our lives is assuming the leadership of it and assume your own changes, so that it will change our life we must change ourselves, not the world. Because the only change that is in my hands is the own mine, it is possible that the change of one produce others to our around at the same time, as domino effect. The purpose of our life, in many ways, is to make peace with our darkness to live in our light. (2) With the greatest of ease we can forgive a child who’s afraid of the dark. An adult theme light is the true tragedy of the (Platon) life are here to transform darkness into light (Zohar 1: 4) understand our limitations, defects, living and working them in our greater possibility.We are what we repeatedly do (Aristotle). It is therefore important that we achieve what we are capable of being and not settle for what we actually are, trying to get the best out of each one of us.We must stop deal both in you and start devoting more time to be, that ended up occupying the time consuming increasingly more things and less interact with children, couples, friends and yourself, with our essence. This also happens when, from small, began to include our children in multiple activities, both sporting and intellectual nature, when the need for basic at that age would be wonderful if we were sharing with them, reading a book, walking, playing, hugging them, wanting them, kissing them and telling them that you love them. But love him not only is to embrace it, that is very importantly, we also do feel loved and care, that feels protected, who share time together, you know that they are there when you need them, that them give presents (gifts), but more important give you presence.Another important point is to forge the habit of you focus on what is positive.Negative people, wretched and resentful tends to make assumptions, without having sufficient evidence to know if they are true or not.
Category: News
In the origins of the Internet, the first computers to implement the protocols were those of the University of Berkeley. This implementation took place in a variant of the Unix operating system called BSD Unix. It soon became programming clear that developers need a simple and effective way to write programs can intercommunicate with each other. This need gave birth to the first specification and implementation of sockets, also on Unix. Today, the sockets are implemented as libraries of programming for a multitude of operating systems, simplifying the task of programmers.
- Japan Today
Microsoft chief executive Steve Ballmer has announced that a test version of the U.S. software Titans Windows 7 operating system will be available worldwide on Friday. - PC World
Every January, Macworld editors scouring the show floor at Macworld Expo in search of the hottest products make their debut in the … - E-Commerce Times
Welcome to the latest insights Direct Analyst Briefing Edition, Vol. 35, a periodic discussion and dissection computers of software, services, SOA and compute cloud-related news and events with a panel of IT analysts. In this episode, our guests make their top five predictions for the IT in 2009. - Microsoft Watch
News Analysis. Tonight, Microsoft CEO’s keynote stage innovation inherited long belonging to chairman Bill Gates. Steve Ballmer was certainly attractive.<
The reflection the reflection can and must be used to put our thoughts in sequence. As to arrange a house, thus if it can also arrange the ideas. As the great theories had always tired me I tried to create my proper method. To understand the world to my return I tried to analyze everything through the popular wisdom that I consider a great philosophy based on the practical one. (Some used images sufficiently opportune and are amused). I always felt a great desfasamento between my world and the real world. In my world the important one was to be sincere, in the real world was important to be somebody. To be natural instead of representing.
To face the reality instead of lying or being deceptive. To help instead of using to advantage. I always had since the responsibility notion, to direct its proper life, its proper destination, trying not to follow fashions. Nor wanting to please at any cost. But quanta solitude when this way is chosen! With the time this solitude is changedded into a habit, in an interior force! uncovers that it is not only when a objectivo is had! A conducting wire! It has that to learn itself to develop the spirit I criticize, the lucidity, the imparcialidade, but also the love to the next one, the tolerance. Without certain values of base it is not obtained to construct nothing of solid. when the base is not solid the workmanship, for more beautiful than either, pulls down? Blog:
Black Banner
Problem of black banner has long engaged scholars of mathematics and physics all over the world. But only in the last few months, this information was disseminated among ordinary internet users, it is almost zahlestnuv whole. I am often asked what a “black banner, is not it someone’s joke or scientific innuendo – I think not. From a scientific point of view, the existence of ‘black banner’ was caused by the development of quantum physics and mathematicians have proved the theory of the existence of particles, dubbed “anahrony” – which can to mix back in time. In other words, a banner composed of these particles (perhaps, in part, or even completely), moves back in time! Black it is called, most likely because of the mystical rather than rational considerations (in this convergent views of most scientists), but more on that later. But beyond that begins the disagreement even the most eminent of them. Who created it? Where he came from and where it goes? The stories of those who clicked on it. All of this in our next article..
Calculator Coupe
Our object example: a calculator-in closets where implemented fairly detailed count the size of even the smallest details wardrobe, according to their indent say from the door. The calculator is available a variety of options: number of sliding drawers dvereykolichestvo colors pokrasovkolichestvo yaschikovVybor option 'niche' or 'Full shkaf'Nalichie potolkNalichie polNalichie back stenkiKolichestvo polokKolichestvo rod for hangers as well as – in a convenient near the tips, float rates / prices for which are counted the cost of wardrobe. Wardrobe – confidently and firmly settled in everyday life, becoming a little if not 'everyday' part of the interior of most apartments. And it's not only that the closets – a fashionable interior solution, as this is primarily an acceptable price. This type of furniture came from America. Built-in or freestanding wardrobe – will use all useful area of your apartment, as efficiently as possible. The site offers potential customers the following services: design development, design, cabinet kupeizgotovlenie closets, using modern oborudovaniedostavka in Kiev and its suburbs, as well as professional installation service you domagarantiynoe kupeindividualnye cabinet options (picture on the mirror for example) In addition, the site has – a form to send 'order wardrobe' of the selected dimensions and parameters. All the selections, as well as cost are automatically placed in the order form, and the visitor can only enter your name, phone number and comments, if any, show imeyutsya.Effektivnost statistics for the last 3 months from the date of posting the calculator-in closets on site through the forms of Appeals' order wardrobe ': 0Kolichestvo visitors: 38 829Kolichestvo visits to the' cabinet Calculator Coupe '312Kolichestvo access the site through this page 118 During this same time came mnogozvonkov, from clients. Conclusions: The calculator wardrobes online vosstrebovan not as it might seem at first glance. Resort to it relatively low percentage of visitors … Based on the analysis – you need a separate advertising campaign for this calculator raskurtki-compartment boxes, because the percentage of the market, who needs a calculator is very low, and for his 'Uplift the masses' and the popularity among the visitors – must take a long time.
It searched clear and valid answers universally, but it believed that these answers could not be searched empirically? as they said the sofistas. They would have of being found in the reason. Thus, the bases of the truth and the virtuous behavior must be searched in our conscience. The man would need, first, to know it exactly itself (Cabral, 2006). He developed a method of search of the truth divided at two moments: irony and maiutica. For the irony it was recognized proper ignorance, and for the maiutica it could conceive proper ideas. This method was applied by means of dialogues in the squares of Atenas, of where it questioned the politics and the moral of there (Nunes, 1986). As punishment for having vexado the powerful ones in these dialogues carried through in the squares of Atenas, it was condemned to the death for the ingestion of cicuta (Bergman, 2004).
2.3PLATO Son of Athenian rich parents, was pupil notable of Scrates and suffered a great disillusion when its teacher was condemned to the ingestion of cicuta (Nunes, 1986). Its philosophical research, even so come back toward a practical and moral reality, if did not limit to the antropolgico field, as Scrates, but also the Metaphysical and cosmological field was extended to it (Cabral, 2006). To the forty years of age it established the Academy, where it conceived the Theory of Ideas. In accordance with Plato, the substance? Real? of the universe they are what it called of forms (ideas), and not it particular and physical manifestation ahead of our directions. These ideas would exist in a superior world, to the part of the perception human being (World of the Ideas, or Ideal). What we perceive by means of the five sensible ones it would be only the imperfect copy of these Ideas (Bergman, 2004). To demonstrate the acquisition of knowledge, it wrote the alegoria of the cave, in its book? The Republic.
Minister Miguel Sebastian
It now appears that the Spanish economy, our future and the well-being of our children are in the hands of China. Praise God. The Deputy Prime Minister of that country, Li Kejiang, has signed contracts for 5.6 billion and promised to buy US 6 billion public debt and whatever is missing. They aren’t surprising, accordingly, the orgiastic rendibues offered from the King until the Minister Miguel Sebastian, Zapatero and the President of Repsol, Antoni Brufau. Only a few decades ago, the Catholic missions still gathered among us funds chinitos pro-poor in fund-raising with piggy banks that mimicked heads with ponytail and touched with mandarin hat.
Often performance that have been able to get those chinitos of yesteryear that return what we now multiplied by one thousand! Ironies aside, speaking of the rapid and steady economic development of the Asian country forgetting the systematic violation of human rights is not usually highlight a fundamental element: the industriousness of its people. This the millions of Eastern emigrants who populate this North American coast attest. Working them day and night, every day of the year, their children manage to enter University and become professionals of prestige. Here, more timidly, begins to have neighborhoods Chinese in our main populations, accessing its citizens even Spanish traditional business. We would do well, therefore, imitate their effort and their spirit of sacrifice, instead of complaining by a welfare state cuts muellemente had accustomed to which we.
Charles Darwin
The theory of the motivational systems offers this alternative: in the earliest childhood (in fact in the uterus) aversivo motivational system is developed in response to the necessity to react with distant antagonism and/or against any internal or external distnico stimulus. Any fault of regulation of any other system not to respond to physiological needs, to the privacy of attachment, the exploration and affirmation of preferences, or to the sensual pleasure will do that the infant laments itself, fights, cries, threatens the fist, frunza the frown, shakes, turns aside the glance, backs down, he is put rigid, or he is put flcido. When the caretakers they respond to these affection, gestures, and conducts, eliminating the cause of the affliction or, at least, remaining to his side and comforting it (serving like contenedora function (Bion, 12), the aversivo system, during the first year of life, will be organized around effective signals. The anger is an answer to the frustration and can be extinguished if the frustration is surpassed or is eliminated. The rage can also be triggered by the frustration but it implies a feeling of narcisista wound, an offense to the pride, a shame and humiliation to the sense of self. The rage state, with its muscular contraction and increase in the cardiac beat and sanguineous pressure, eliminates the sensation of defenselessness associated with the damaged feeling of self it replaces and it by a provisional feeling of omnipotence invulnerabilidad. What causes hatred? Charles Darwin said that their roots were in the revenge and the defense of the own interests. " If we have been or we hoped to be attacked by somebody () that somebody it will be to us indifference; and the indifference becomes odio" easily; , that one scientist said. Erich Fromm 13 agrees this time from Psychology with the vision of Darwin: hatred arises like answer to " it threatens (of somebody or something) the vital interests of one persona".
How To Invest My Money 3 Questions Which Must Be Made Before Take An Investment Decision
Investing our money in an opportunity can be many times something that generates scare, more when we are not very experienced and do not know what to do with the money. But, ever wondered how I can improve my ability to invest my money? Do I know if an investment is good for me or not? The fear related to ignorance of a topic, in this case, investments. So the first question we must ask is: do I know the type of investment that I want to go? If you don’t know it, it is better to not invest, can they paint him one and another dream about how wonderful to invest in that opportunity that exists only for a limited time and that you are one of the lucky ones. But if you have no idea of what they are doing, is better that he does not come to that investment. Is the investment something that passionate about me? If the investment is in a completely alien to your taste subject, if you are not passionate you even a little bit, if his interest in the investment is only money that might receive, it is better to think it better before taking a decision. What happens is that if you have no interest in what is going to invest, most likely not monitor it and waste your money or that you can not get all the possible out. I have an exit strategy and is what you expect from my investment? When you invest, you should keep in mind as I’m going to exit the investment, even when I’m prepared to keep my money there. It is this investment giving profits or this losing. In other words, which is my plan for this money, what are my goals with the and where want to use once meet my objectives. Original author and source of the article.
Bezos Ideas
And if at first your project may well be content to suit your investment, then as it develops all more manifest limitations of individual investments (money, time, knowledge, etc.). As one, even the most powerful developer can not work more than 24 a day, and one inventor, innovator, if he not a multimillionaire, would not be able to invest heavily in the implementation of their ideas. That is, it will not be able to attract staff of developers, managers and marketers can not secure the conditions, resources for development and spread in the society of his ideas. And will the project (eg, same site) with the idea of even the most beautiful and unique selling proposition, softly 'glow' on the background of success and fame of other projects, sometimes even less attractive. Because, for rapid and effective commercialization innovative ideas are related (as a rule, not small) investment! And it is – foreign investments. Now, in confirmation of this thesis a few facts.
Who among us does not know such projects as Yahoo!, Google, – Examples of commercial success and the subject of role models of many local Internet business and developers. These projects have made their owners billionaires! Incidentally, for those doubting the capabilities of today's Internet, offers a relatively recent example – a site It was launched in spring 2005., And in 2006 the owners could sell the site for an amount of 1.65 billion dollars (Incidentally, the same Googl'u). Well there not to be envied – what they're all brilliant – and Yang with Philo (Yahoo!), and Brin with (Google), and Bezos (Amazon), and Chen and Hurley (YouTube).