Average Age

The divergences or the distanciamento of a type of hero for another one are very significant, what it folloies the changes in literature throughout the time. Salvatorie D' onofrio (2006) displays two classifications of hero: the hero ' ' apolneo' ' the hero ' ' dionisaco' '. … the hero ' ' apolneo' ' , qualified for a noble mission and coated of euphoric attributes (beauty, value, nobility of feelings, etc.) that it has the function to express the triumph of the social values to establish order in cosmo, to unmask the mysteries of the life, to calm the man I obtain exactly, with the society and the deity, of another side, the hero ' ' dionisaco' ' , characterized for semas disfricos (weak, scubo of passions), that it fights for the affirmation of its axiollogy, that is, the criterion of individual values, on the basis of the life, lived according to instinct and in the carnavalesca vision of the world. (D' ONOFRIO, 2006, p.92-93). These two types of main personage are controversial between itself, reflecting characteristic you go off where one is conformity and in the other the revolt against models taxes for the society. The romances of the Average Age, century XVIII, have in its plot, for example, the hero ' ' apolneo' '.

Already the dionisaco hero appears in picarescos romances, with funny histories, where this he starts to be anti-hero who well is represented from century XIX and beginning of the XX. The protagonists appear in literature have much time, presenting diverse forms. The classic hero is a idealized personage who if locates in agreement what she is disponibilizado to it, accepting everything and searching ideal ahead of the will force, thus reaching honor and glory social. ' ' A hero who incarnates the social ideals, established in the belief of that the man, for the light of the reason and the force of the will, obtains to win the obstacles and reaches honor and glria' ' (D' ONOFRIO, 2006p.94).